How do you usually step into the “flirty area” with a girl?

  1. You think this is the flirty area? You didn’t see the friendzone sign at the entrance? … there has to be one, isn’t there? … Because so far I only found places to stand with the friendzone sign at the entrance

  2. Isn’t hard. Just say you wanna take them on a date, and lick their butthole after. Always worked for me.

  3. Start teasing, make gentle physical contact. If you face retaliation, stop, she’s not feeling it.

  4. I say something that she can give a flirty response to. If she takes the bait I’ll flirt back. If not, I’ll just keep chatting.

  5. Skip that and take an Uber to pound town.

    No really I just show interest in what she has to say and try to make her laugh. Based on the absolute zinger I dropped on you above how do you think that’s going.

  6. I have seen some butt ugly mugs, that others like, just saying opinions are like asshole everybody has one but some fuckin stink.

  7. I usually make a straight faced double entendre as if I didn’t realize what I said; and if I get that look that says “that was hilarious, do it again”, I just keep going. Now, I have gotten that “say that again, and I’m going to HR” look also; so one does need to be careful.

  8. Compliments and questions about things she likes. Be direct but respectful. It’s not rocket science.

  9. Dance with confidence and display your brightest colors until the female accepts or denies the mating ritual.

  10. …by flirting with her and seeing how she reacts to your sexual interest?

    It’s not hard. Think about your favorite hamburger and your favorite video game, and then pretend it’s a woman. Observe your very own reactions.

  11. First, you have to establish the flirty area. Mark out a 3m x 3m space on a clean, level floor. Preferably paved.

    Next, put caution tape up around it to prevent accidental flirtation. Caution tape should ideally say “WARNING: FLIRTY ZONE.”


    If she accepts your offer, she will do a little shiver and start to walk towards the Flirty Area. Continue holding her hand whilst walking into the Flirty Area with her, and enjoy a light conversation with her, with small sandwiches, tea, and the occasional sweet cake. I mentioned the _catering_ already, right?

    If she does not wish to accept your offer, she has revealed herself to be a fool and a rube. Nonetheless, to mollify her ego, you are required by statute to reply, “BEHOLD: THEREIN LIES MY HEART! _BROKEN_ UPON THE FLOOR. I PRAY YOU ENJOY ITS DELIGHTFUL CRUNCH UNDERFOOT.”

    You may then take down the Flirty Zone or retry with someone else. You may not retry more than twice.

  12. I like a girl who can banter with me. So opening is something so over-the-top and cheesy just waiting for a decent retort.

    A good comeback makes her flirt material.
    Poor comeback or sputtering makes her stay in the fun over the top zone.

    But I will intentionally give those I like multiple attempts

  13. After much trial and error, I’ve discovered what works for me – a decent mixture of mocking and teasing, followed by a little sprinkle of curiosity.

    I don’t know how to explain it, boys. Apologies.

  14. I am always terrified of making a move so I chat looking for signs, and if they are very small I hold back, until she makes a big movie. But if I am drunk enough and she has chatted/danced with me for a long time I just straight up ask.

  15. Um.




    I talk to women like everyone else. I tell stories, try to make people laugh, laugh at their funny stories…kinda like a normal conversation. If I see she’s getting more invested, then I will try something more risque. If not, then I had a good conversation.

    Your expectations are getting in your way. There are classes on speaking and persuasion. Learn to be a good conversationalist first. The rest will come as a natural consequence. You can’t force a flower to open it’s petals to you without bruising it.

  16. Step one: Make her laugh or at least giggle.

    Step two: **Relaxed** eye contact. (off and on for 1-2 secs. 3 secs MAX)

    Step three: Ask questions and follow up

    Step four: Repeat Steps 1 to 3 at will

    Congrats you’ve made it to the flirty area

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