Let’s just say you your offered a job that pays well above the average salary in the US, healthcare is included, you work less than 40 hours a week, you have 30 days a year off and you’d live in a nice suburb of major US city would you take it?

  1. Nah, I’ve got kids now and not because of the shootings etc. But they’ve got mates here now and I wouldn’t want to rip them away from them.

    Money can wait

  2. Depends, which city and which suburb?

    Somewhere nice in the bay area or New England, possibly. Somewhere in the South or the square states in the middle, definitely not.

  3. Living in a car dependent suburban hellscape? Fuck no. I like my neighbourhoods to have corner shops and other small retail and the fact they’re walkable. I also don’t want to deal with the possibility of a home owners organisation.

  4. I’d move pretty much anywhere if it offered a significant improvement on my quality of life.

  5. Nah. Workers rights seem pretty weak. I could get fired if I annoy the boss. Also I’ve got young kids and I wouldn’t want to take them away from their uncles, aunts, and grandparents.

  6. 100 percent. Would rather the South than the North though, not sure if I can handle the brutal winters up in the NE.

    I’ve looked into emigrating to Texas in the past, Austin doesn’t seem like a bad spot. Just probably wouldn’t partake in the gun and Jesus stuff.

  7. I have a friend who emegrated for this exact situation and hates it – plans in motion to come back.

  8. Yeah, but I’d rather live in the city, not in some endless suburbs. I havent lived in the US, yet, so it would be a new experience.

  9. 30 days is almost unheard of. Most well paid Americans have 10 days off. Some have 5 and some 0. Check out Ask A Manager or r/antiwork to confirm

  10. Absolutely… but I’d move straight back once I was done with it. It’s not a place I’d wish to stay permanently.

  11. Under 40hrs a week, 30 days leave, high salary in the US? These kind of roles just don’t exist. Usually it’s a choice between the 3. High salary? 60hr work week with 3 PTO a year hahaha

  12. American passport holder here (haven’t lived there since I was a little kid tho).

    And the answer is a resounding no. Absolutely not.

    The US is only an option if I cannot live anywhere else. I have a ton of family there and I’m happy to visit them but I could not imagine ever living there again.

  13. Important to note that you need to really read the fine print on what “healthcare included” actually means. There are plenty of jobs in America where your employer will technically offer you a healthcare plan, but if you are someone who needs to regularly make use of this healthcare you will still end up paying MANY, MANY thousands of dollars out of pocket in premiums, deductibles, copays, prescriptions, etc.

  14. Perhaps if that was guaranteed, but my understanding is Americans get about 1 week a year off, frequently work more than 40 hours and I believe have to co-pay an average of $6000 a year even towards employer healthcare coverage. Not to mention I am a woman of childbearing age so if I wanted kids I’d get no mat leave or childcare assistance and if I didn’t, I’d have no bodily autonomy in that decision, so no thanks

  15. Yes certainly, depending on where I was going to live and the salary/benefits – the USA has big variations with its cost of living (I have lived there). Some fantastic places to live there with lovely people.

  16. Not in a million years. The school shootings and horrific healthcare situation for women are more than enough to put me off.

  17. Only if it’s a secondment from the UK.

    Having been on secondment abroad before and seen how locally contracted expats can be treated, I’d only do it with the security of being able to get back to the UK and have a job waiting.

  18. No, because even if the job is high paying, you can be sacked for the most stupid reasons and without the employee rights we have here in the UK. It only takes one manager to dislike you and your days are numbered.

  19. No

    let me emphasis that

    **GOD NO!!!**

    I would relocate to Poland if that were possible. I would consider other areas of Europe, if that were possible… USA, No F’ing Way

  20. No, I wouldn’t want my kids to grow up flag worshiping and having to participate in active shooter drills like it was a fun trip to the library.

  21. I just came back from 2 weeks there.. It’s a solid no from me. I love Americans, but the driving is excessive and food is highly overpriced. Unless you go to high end supermarkets, food quality is a bit rubbish too.

    Most importantly, my family are here. The only bonus I see is bigger housing.

    Also: the shit bits of the USA are far far scarier and crapper than anywhere I’ve been to in the UK.

  22. Nope.

    You couldn’t pay me enough to raise my kids somewhere that had to do shooting drills at their school.

  23. What is it with the increase in these kinds of questions recently.

    People watching a lot of American films/dramas/social media would be my guess

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