Men, what are lines you never cross.

  1. I’d never date anyone the same age or younger than my oldest niece (26). The idea of dating one of their friends is too weird.

  2. Drugs.

    Sex with prostitutes.


    Taking advantage of daddy issues.

    Never date girls under 24.

  3. I will not make jokes about a friend when their child is around.

    I won’t date anyone younger than 25, I’m 30 and that gap will stay rougly the same throughout my life.

    I’m skinny so I will never comment on someone’s weight.

    These are just what I can think of off the top of my head

  4. No trying to get back with an ex

    No smoking

    No running a red if there’s literally nothing near / endangering me

    Apparently life also says never getting a girlfriend, like for many of us (._.)

  5. Having sex with another man’s wife.

    Granted someone cheated on their bf with me (he wasn’t doing his job right plus me and her had a loooong history of being fwb), but if it was marriage I would not convince a man’s wife to cheat.

    Now if she’s approaches me, that’s different. Unfortunately, if I was in a relationship, I strongly doubt guys would respect it and still try to hit on my gf. But hey, every man is different.

  6. Dating a married woman…even if the divorce is in process, papers have been filed, and they are living separately. That shit ain’t done until its done.

  7. Don’t behave towards other women when my girlfriend isn’t beside me in a way that I’d be uncomfortable to behave towards them while she was beside me.

    No drugs/cigarettes

    I’ll never disrespect my mother, nor will I start talking shit about someone else’s uninvolved family members whether in jest or anger.

    Never go for the low blow and bring up the insecurities or trusted secrets someone close to you shared as ammo for a joke or to win an argument.

    I won’t excuse morally abhorrent behavior. Best bud or not, I’m not going to cover for someone who I find out cheats on his wife, roughs up his kid, etc. The company we keep reflects on us.

  8. That line that tells you where to stop at a light. Really bugs me when people go over them or stop in the pedestrian walkway.

  9. I never cheated on anyone among many options throughout the years. before marriage I was someone that the girls would cheat on their SO with, but only the SOs I didn’t like.

  10. I wrote some life rules.

    1. Try to not go beyond your drinks limit in one night if you have work the next morning, only if it’s at your local and you can get home easy.
    2. Enjoy your work day as much as you can
    3. Workout a few times a week, preferably with someone once a week. Just makes it more fun
    4. Never shit in a road
    5. Take a me day once a fortnight, whatever it is you enjoy it refreshes the brain
    6. Go see a new film once/twice a week

  11. I won’t make fun of someone’s physical looks. I just find it a horrible low hanging fruit, especially if the person is physically disabled.

    If you tell me a secret, I’ll keep it.

  12. I never initiate interaction with women strangers. I only interact if they initiate the conversation/interaction.

    I never speak ill of my wife to others.

    I try to never tease people about things they have no control over

    I don’t hang out with haters; haters of gender, sexual orientation, races, nationalities, ethnicities, those type of people.

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