Just saw a post of the Sun front page and it got me actually wondering if people buy newspapers or still get them?

I remember when I used to take the tube in London in the morning to work and they’d hand out copies of the daily mail but haven’t seen those in a while (purely cos I haven’t taken the morning tube in a long time)

If you buy them then why do you still buy them?

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  2. A couple of times a year, maybe. I avoid anyone reading the sun; experience has taught me they’ll almost always be an idiot.

  3. My parents do. The Daily Mail and the local evening newspaper every day.

    I usually buy something else like the Guardian, the Times, or the Independent when I visit.

    Every time I go there the selection seems to be more and more limited.

  4. My parents and grandad still do. Don’t think I know anyone under 60 who does though.

  5. I was only ever interested in the local paper and that was 20 odd years ago to check for boot sales etc.. no need for it now

    I do buy them for my mother (along with the women’s magazines) when i visit her though, she’ll have a browse then let the other residents have them

  6. I gave up buying the local rag a good few years ago when Archant gave up publishing genuinely *local* papers.

    But I still buy the Guardian every day. I simply find reading a paper cover to cover (well, cover to where the sports pages start really) more satisfying and less hassle than trying to get everything from the website. And it’s more comfortable sitting reading a paper while eating my breakfast and quaffing coffee.

  7. If I have to eat lunch or wait around in the van or the car then I buy one, still something comforting about killing time reading a paper or doing a crossword.

  8. The Sunday Herald has a brilliant full-page general knowledge crossword. Literally don’t even look at any other page, £2 for the crossword, well worth it.

  9. I think most people just get them for the Grand National betting sweepstake pullout and the Christmas telly

  10. Older people definitely still grab copies of rags like the Mail. Seems to be part of a routine almost, some take a walk first thing and pick it up then.

    I sometimes grab one of an i / Guardian / Telegraph if I want a long read on the weekend or day off, and to do the crossword. It is a more in depth look at the news, online you tend to pick through stuff that catches your eye only based on headline.

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