No handmade please. That’s a hit and miss. I dont want them to be pressured to eat my homemade food.

Donuts? Chocolates? Pizza? Burger? I’m not their boss btw. We are just coworkers. So this is just really a thank you for always helping me.

What do you men preferred to eat and feel appreciated??


  1. Exotic candy from a foreign country. Like one of those Japanese candy boxes you can order every month.

  2. If you were to bring donuts into my old office where it was 95% guys, they’d love you forever. Pizza also has the same impact.

  3. If you just offered to get him lunch one day that’d be probably plenty. I know it’d be enough for me personally.

  4. Honestly just get a gift card to his favorite place, that would be great.

  5. Bagels, donuts+coffee & pizza+soda are work appropriate. Starbucks sell coffee carafe ~$16. I treat my colleagues all the time.

  6. Pizza! If you have any vegans and you get a vegan pizza just for them too, they’ll be your ride or die

  7. Pretty much anything apart from salads, healthy stuff etc. Can’t go wrong with pastries.

  8. Get them a lasagne. Nobody remembers the time coffee and donuts showed up at work, everyone will remember the fucking lasagne.

  9. Pizza or donuts would work fine! Just double check in case he’s any allergies/dietary requirements

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