What is surprisingly illegal?

  1. Crossing the road not at a crossing in the USA and some countries in central Europe. Seems absolutely crazy to me. And in Germany at least everyone actually abides by it even when the road is empty, the whole scene of people waiting to cross an empty road makes me laugh

  2. In UK

    Holding a fish in “suspicious circumstances”, is an illegal activity according to section 32 of the Salmon Act 1986.

  3. Having a weight limit of what kind of drone you can fly by yourself.

    Better yet there are license if you want to drive the big guys.

  4. You know those license plate brackets with the dealer or some bit of decoration on them? Illegal in Texas. Nominally because they might obscure the plate, practically because most people don’t know about the law or bother to remove them so it gives them an out to pull over whoever they want a closer look at.

  5. Drinking at the age of 18 – when you’re considered an adult. If you consider 18 the age at which someone can fight & die for their Country, you think they have the maturity to sign legal contracts then why in holy hell can’t they have a drink?


    Always seemed to me, if you think 18 year olds don’t have the mental & emotional maturity to handle alcohol then they have absolutely have no business being called an ADULT in the first place.

  6. In the US in general, weed. Especially now that Delta 8 is pretty much legal everywhere, but non-hemp-based THC and CBD isn’t.

    Here in NYC, adultery. Anybody who’s in a poly relationship is criminal scum!

  7. Apparently taking confidential and top secret government documents home with you and storing them in the basement of your country club. Who knew?

  8. * Alabama: illegal to have ice cream in your back pocket (people used to steal horses this way)
    * California: illegal to ride a bike in a pool
    * Hawaii: illegal to place a coin in your ear
    * Idaho: illegal for a man to give his sweetheart candy weighing less than 50lbs
    * Kansas: illegal to catch a fish with your bare hands
    * Kentucky: illegal to shoot off a policeman’s tie
    * Nevada: illegal for police to use automated ticketing systems (red light cameras, speed cameras, etc.)
    * North Dakota: illegal to to fall asleep with shoes on in bed
    * Ohio: illegal to disrobe in front of a portrait of a man
    * Tennessee: illegal to shoot any game from a moving vehicle, except whales
    * Utah: illegal to fish on horseback

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