So a couple of nights ago my girlfriend and I were ready to have actual sex, we had both performed oral sex on each other so I had a bought a condom for the next time we were alone.

Well fast forward past the foreplay, I have a the condom on and she’s laying on her back, for the life of me I can’t find the hole. This is both of our first times and it was a little embarrassing I couldn’t find it.

We just ended up finishing each other without having sex. But she kept telling me that she wished that we fucked and I agree.

Any advice on how to find it? Different positions?

Edit: We’re both in our 20s so it’s a little more embarrassing that I couldn’t find it

  1. That’s pretty common for inexperienced people. One way to help is to ask her to hold your penis and guide it in. You could also try other positions where you can look down and see as you’re entering her.

  2. Yeah bro. The pro move is to tell her to help you out. Let her grab it and find it for you. Way easier that way.

  3. Keep looking, it’s there.
    Tbh, that’s pretty funny. It’s embarrassing now but you’ll look back and laugh, especially if you too stick together.

  4. It happens, don’t worry next achievement after that is not hitting the backdoor when rushing to the front door, women rarely appreciate those kinds of surprised 😀 😀

    But that kinda helps you navigate a little bit to where its supposed to be. Best way I can describe it in words is its around the place where your balls end on the way to the Asshole.
    It also can be quite difficult to get inside, anxiety, not enough stimulation, first time, all these things can cause walls to shut fairly firmly so an enterprising explorer, not willing to risk hurting his chances to explore further, might get turned away instead of slowly knocking to be let in.
    Also if you come at an awkward angle it can feel wrong, so best is to either choose position where you see where you are supposed to go, or let her guide you in, she spend with it far more time then you so why not ask her to show you around? 😀

  5. Here’s a tip . Press yourself towards the middle bottom of her 🐱work your way up and you’ll slip in . You can do it from the top down too . (All the way down bro )

  6. You’ve been down on her? Finger? If you’ve been in her with your fingers just pretend your penis is your fingers lol. Helps if shes ready for you (wet).

    I wouldn’t think too much about it as it was both your 1st. You got this, go break a leg! Lol

  7. Also, make sure it’s actually wet down there too. It makes it muuuch easier to get it in…!!!

  8. Easiest way, rub your penis on her vagina until it starts lubricating your penis. At that point you can press down on the penis to where the head will find the indent and go in.

    Like everyone said though, just let her do it, I hardly bother w it anymore haha.

  9. It can be hard to find with a condom on because there is so little sensation. Use your finger and then put your penis next to your finger and then just switch them.

    Or just let her do it.

    But make sure she is lubricated and warmed up. It can be difficult to get it in if she isn’t ready and relaxed a little. And she probably isn’t relaxed anyway if it’s your first time.

  10. “… we had both performed oral sex on each other..”

    ” I have the condom on and she’s laying on her back, for the life of me I can’t find the hole.”

    If you’ve had oral sex with her, you should be able to “find the hole”.

    She also should be able to guide you inside of her body when her legs are *spread wide* open.

    Unless there is a major obesity issue going on “the hole” should be fairly easy to find.

    It’s just below her clitoris.

    If she has a lot of pubic hair, she might want to consider thinning it out down there.

    The missionary position or her being on top are probably the easiest ways to find it.

    (Lastly you may want to try having sex in the *daylight* as opposed to at night with the lights off.)

    Best wishes!

  11. I mean her hymen might still be in tact, causing it to be more difficult to penetrate. I don’t have any tips about how to go about this issue though because my hymen broke from using a tampon that was too big when I was younger… maybe just lube it up and have her guide it but make sure she’s comfortable the whole time? It can hurt if it’s the first time so it’s always good to make sure she’s not in pain.

  12. don’t be embarrassed bro happened to me my first time had a hard time finding the hole and had to try a different position. I was 27 at the time lol what made it funnier is that I live in a town home at the time and the walls were really thin and I’m pretty sure our neighbor was home, and he probably heard us talking about it and me saying I couldn’t find the hole lol.

  13. She should know where the hole is ask for help.

    At least you both came it’s fun to learn keep it up 😉

  14. Start from the hood and rub down till u enter. Easiest solution. Gives her a tease and makes it look like you know what you’re doing lol

  15. Faced the same thing first time with my SO. Worked best when I guided him in with my hand. Also me being on top made it easier to practice and for him to get familiar.

    So yeah. Let her guide you. Or as a part of foreplay you can explore her body. That also helps in getting a better idea the next time around…

  16. I usually just put the head near the top and slide my way down until you find the right spot. Also a lot of inexperienced women will lay flat or roll their hips down which makes things even harder.

    You can also put her legs over your shoulders or press her knees back towards her chest and that will roll her hips into position. Body mechanics is a thing.

  17. I guess it depends on her hymen. There are many types like one piece of flesh or two or even completely covered. I assume she’s had periods before to doubt it’s the latter, perhaps the former. Try toys on her to get her more comfortable with things being in there.

  18. It’s not all up to you, she can help guide you in (it’s at least a two person activity, try to make it one)

  19. It’s way lower than you thing.

    Even then, it’s sometimes hard to find.

    Here’s what you need to do :

    1) Use your hand to find it

    2) insert your finger gently & slightly

    3) Hopefully you’ve done enough foreplay that she’s turned on and juicy in there

    4) Use your finger to spread that juice around /on the edges of the opening. This will greatly help by providing additional lubrication during insertion.

    5) You can keep your finger in there to “mark the target”, and then get your dick there and go in slow.

    6) Unless things are very wet and slippery, don’t try and force in all at once. Go two steps forward, one step back, and repeat until you’re fully in there and things are comfortable.

  20. On men, their parts are on the front.

    For women, it’s pretty much underneath. Close to the butthole.

    The labia (the “lips”) are slightly more in the front. Travel a little downward and you have the “hole” to her vagina.

  21. Open her cheeks up and look where with your eyes if possible. Make sure she is wet too. It’ll side in easily

  22. Find the clit and slide your piece down from there until you’re inside. Lube up if it’s her first time to make things more comfortable.

  23. It happens, just joke around about it. Sex being awkward is normal, but being all serious and insecure about it just kills the mood even more.

  24. Having first sex in that position is a bit hard. She needs to help u with “finding hole”

  25. why did she not help you? she knows her body best and she knows where her vagina ja. maybe ask her to put it in next time until you are confident enough to so it yourself. you should learn from each other and that includes guiding the other person. there’s nothing wrong with not being a sex god asap.

  26. No need to be embarrassed my man! Nobody is a pro their first time! Like everyone else is saying, easiest way is to ask for help, you wouldn’t be the first to ask your s/o for it, and you sure as shit won’t be the last! If you are adamant on doing it yourself, missionary is a good place to start. And you can try either gently rubbing your d*ck up and down her v*gina gently adding pressure until you find it, or you can try using your hands to rub her v*gina/ finger her a little to find it, then use that to guide yourself in. Hope this helps, all goes well and you manage man! 🤘🏻

  27. Lower than you think, very close to her butthole. Ask her to help put it in. I’ve had sex thousands of times and still ask the girl to put it in sometimes.

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