What do you usually eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

  1. For breakfast, generally nothing tbh, if anything I’ll make some peanut butter toast

    For lunch, it’s usually either leftovers of what I had for dinner the night before, or a sandwhich and chips, maybe a frozen pizza or similar frozen quick meal.

    For dinner, I might have tacos, steak, burgers, fried rice, chicken and potatoes, stuff like that.

  2. a yogurt or banana for breakfast – hardboiled egg. a coffee always. Cream and sugar.

    for lunch usually sliced apple dipped in teddies peanut butter. Maybe a scoop of tuna salad with a tomato.

    for supper maybe mushrooms and onions, or air dried peppers.

    before bed maybe a grapefruit or cherries.

    If I am really hungry a glass of whole milk or a handful of nuts sometime during the day.


    Being a middle aged lady sucks because sometimes your body just completely fucking changes.


    [I do not follow this diet when I travel!]

  3. Breakfast is the only consistent meal because I don’t want to fuss around in the morning. Eggs and toast, cereals, oatmeal.

    I can go months without repeating meals for lunch and dinner.

  4. breakfast is coffee. toast. Sometimes an egg.

    Lunch is usually a sandwich.

    Dinner is where there is no plans. It could be anything. Lately its been indian curries, greek food, pasta, tacos, fajitas, burgers.

  5. Typical week day

    Breakfast: Coffee

    Lunch: Either nothing, a small snack, or a sandwich I packed for myself the previous day

    Dinner: Usually a mix of some type of meat, starch/pasta, and veggies, with cut up fruit on the side.

    On the weekend all bets are off. Usually pub food or mexican or something. Whatever we happen to be near or whatever food truck happens to be at whatever brewery I’m at.

  6. Keep in mind, the American diet is extremely varied. There really isn’t no usual thing that it’s eaten for dinner. Some people might eat the same 2 or 3 things for lunch or breakfast, but for dinner that can not be said to be true. Even might limited breakfast can vary depending on my freetime and how hungry I am. I might just have some cheerios, or if I’m up for it I might make some scrabbles eggs and bacon. I might have a croissant, some toast with butter, or a bagel with cream cheese. If I’m eating breakfast outside I might have anything from pancakes to breakfast sandwich like a sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich. I don’t drink coffee but depending on the season I might have some orange juice or hot chocolate with my breakfast.

    For lunch, if I’m at home I’ll usually have leftovers. If there is none I’ll make anything from burgers and fries, a ham and cheese sandwich, to pasta. If I’m at school I’ll probably have pizza. If I’m at work I might bring a sandwich or pick up something from a nearby restaurant. Occasionally I might also bring leftovers to work.

    For dinner, I can literally eat anything. From Caribbean and Caribbean inspired dishes. To Chinese or Japanese inspired dishes. To Italian/Italian inspired dishes. Or just even some basic mixture of meat, carbs (rice, potato side, pasta), and vegetables.

  7. For breakfast I usually have something I can microwave. I WFH and I am ***not*** a morning person. So I like to get up out of bed last minute and just make something real quick to get me going. I like things like Tennessee Pride brand microwavable breakfast sandwiches, breakfast hot pockets (tried these on a lark and was surprised, they aren’t great but if you served it to me at a Panera Bread, Starbucks, or some other similar place with low quality but passable breakfast items and charged me $5 for it I would not be suspicious and think it’s “just” a hot pocket), frozen hash brown patties, that kind of stuff.

    I rarely eat lunch, I prefer to nap over my lunch break.

    Dinner could be burgers, pizza, tacos, pasta, teriyaki chicken with rice, sandwiches, fish & chips, bbq brisket, steak, fried chicken, or about 50 other things. We try not to have the same type of food repeatedly, if we’ve had something in the last few *weeks* we are unlikely to have it again. Dinner for Americans tends to be all about variety.

  8. I don’t usually eat breakfast. If I do, usually toast with tomato or a scrambled egg or something like that.

    I don’t think there’s anything specific that I eat very often. For dinner I like variety. The most common things that I eat are burritos, various curries from different cuisines, potatoes, roasted or sautéed vegetables, soup, salad, and pasta. If I eat lunch it’s either dinner leftovers or whatever is quick and easy, like a sandwich, or a carrot and a spoonful of peanut butter or plain yogurt.

  9. Breakfast: ~200cal of homemade protein ‘crackers’

    Lunch: prepped frozen sausage egg and cheese wrap (~650 cal). They used to be my breakfast (and I didn’t eat lunch), but I switched it over so I could go out to eat with the guys at work without messing up my diet *too* much.

    Dinner: this is where the variety in my diet lives. By having a snack for breakfast and a light lunch, I can ‘afford’ (calorie-wise) to eat whatever I want, as long as I keep to reasonable portions and pick ‘healthy’ options 1/3rd of the time. Hamburgers, hotdogs, pizza, several different pasta dishes, a couple different burrito filling recipes, etc. Only thing I don’t make for myself is pizza.

    As mentioned, I rotate in some more health-focused stuff some of the time; I make a sausage and lentil soup and a chicken salad that are remarkably filling for the calories while still tasting good.

  10. Breakfast is coffee, maybe cereal or toast.

    Lunch is a sandwich or leftovers from last night’s dinner. Maybe some fruit for dessert.

    Dinner is some form of chicken, beef or pork with vegetables and probably some kind of potato or pasta.

  11. Varies. Breakfast is usually oatmeal, toast, and/or eggs. Sometimes something like pancakes.

    Lunch is usually leftover dinner or a sandwich.

    Dinner is usually a big meal involving meat, a starch, and vegetables. The form this takes varies so widely I don’t even want to try summarizing further.

  12. Breakfast is usually eggs and some sort of meat (usually bacon or sausage) and several cups of coffee. Sometimes I will make a burrito out of it. Lunch and dinner are so varied that I don’t even know how to answer the question. What I eat for lunch usual depends on what I ate for breakfast. If I wasn’t very hungry in the morning I will eat a heavier lunch, otherwise I will eat a light lunch.

  13. Breakfast – either coffee or tea…sometimes a croissant or a banana

    Lunch – leftovers or a sandwich w fruit

    Dinner – whatever I feel like making. Yesterday I made BLT’s w/ fries, and tonight I’m making pork tenderloin w/ scalloped potatoes and asparagus. Tomorrow I’ll probably just pick up a pizza from Costco.

  14. Breakfast during the week is a bar and an iced coffee. Weekend breakfasts we either go out for bagels or make a big breakfast (usually some combo of pancakes/waffles/bacon/eggs/fruit/hash).

    Lunch during the week: leftovers. I may grab a slice of pizza, or get sushi on $5 sushi day, or occasionally a fancy sandwich. The kids buy lunch at school about half the time and bring half the time. On the weekend- it’s whatever we cobble together. Leftovers, oatmeal, quesadillas, Kraft Mac, salad, sandwiches, soup, etc.

    Dinner: it varies, but this week we had/have on the menu the following:
    – flat breads with steak, pear, blue cheese, arugula, and pecans
    – sweet potato/black bean tacos
    – slow cooker butter chicken w basmati rice, naan, yogurt
    – leftover lasagna and Caesar salad
    – homemade broccoli cheese soup with fresh baked sourdough loaf

    We tend to keep it simple bc our youngest goes to bed around 6 and we don’t get home until 5

  15. Once a week, I prep smoothies for breakfast. Roughly once a month, I prep wraps for lunch. Dinner varies since that’s a more social meal

  16. Breakfast: egg sandwich, pastry, Musil, yogurt, fried potatoes, scramble eggs veggies and toast, pancake, oatmeal, cold pizza

    Lunch: sandwich, cheese crackers and fruit, leftovers, Mexican food takeout, chicken strips and JoJo’s.

    Dinner home cooked Americanized: Japanese, Italian, Chinese, Indian, Mexican Thai; grilled cheese and soup, pizza, various restaurant takeout, chili mac, grain medley with vegetables and meatballs.

  17. On weekdays, it’s usually egg biscuits or just eggs for breakfast; lunch is kind of nebulous. If I do get a lunch it’s often just a pack or two of Nabs or Toasty crackers, and supper is typically either turkey, shrimp, or fish. A peanut butter sandwich if I’m feeling extra lazy.

    Weekends, either waffles and bacon, pancakes and bacon, or eggs and bacon. Or bacon and bacon. Lunch and supper there just isn’t anything typical.

  18. There’s no usual meal for me

    For the past 3 days I ate ramen for breakfast. If I’m at work early enough I get a bacon egg and cheese or French toast, bacon, and eggs from a crafty truck

    I usually skip lunch. Some days I’ll have a toast and cheese or another bowl of ramen

    Dinner is usually something simple to cook like a burger and fries. Maybe I’ll order pizza if I’m lazy

  19. Aside from breakfast I don’t think I eat the same thing from day to day. It varys largely on what was on sale at the grocery and if we’re trying a new restaurant for dinner.

    But for breakfast it’s usually coffee with one of three things: eggs and toast, a piece of fruit, or a bowl of cereal.

    But yeah. The rest of the time it’s random. I do keep some shredded spicy chicken and some form of soup in the fridge most of the time for easy meals though because I can make those in batches.

  20. Breakfast: cereal bar plus a Dr Pepper

    Lunch: burger, sandwich, or tacos

    Dinner: varies greatly, but lately we’ve been eating a lot of meals from a local caterer that makes prepared meals, and all you have to do is heat it in oven

  21. Breakfast: kippers

    Lunch: burrito or nothing

    Dinner: potatoes or rice or pasta, some kind of veg

  22. Breakfast is almost always eggs and toast, Greek yoghurt with fruit and honey, or oatmeal. Lunch is usually leftovers of whatever is in the fridge, or I’ll make something. A sandwich, a salad, rice and beans. Usually something quick and easy. Dinner can be anything but a lot chicken since it’s cheap, easy, and relatively healthy. Usually roast some fresh vegetables from the market on the side. Sometimes I’ll make pasta or burrito bowls or something like that.

  23. Breakfast: Coffee only, I drink it while driving to work.

    Lunch: Usually a sandwich and a bag of chips.

    Dinner: Varies… could be almost anything, depending on whether my wife feels like cooking or we go out, or my daughter decides to make something, if there are leftovers, or if it’s one of those “get your own” nights, etc…

  24. Breakfast: protein shake or Cheerios, coffee.
    Lunch: chicken noodle soup or (turkey or tuna) sandwich on low-net-carb bread, maybe fruit on side.
    Snack: beef jerky or saltines.
    Dinner: salad topped with grilled chicken, maybe some shredded cheese, a cookie.
    Beverages: coffee or sparkling water during the day, wine or whisky after work.

  25. I don’t usually eat breakfast, I wait to eat until I’m hungry and get up late enough that it’s close enough to lunch to just eat lunch foods. Lunch and dinner vary a lot. When my fiance cooks, it’s usually some sort of meat and a big salad. Any kind of meat, but typically whatever is cheapest at the grocery store. Chicken wings, chicken adobo, steak and pork chops are made fairly frequently. We switch it up, but my favorite salad is mixed greens with tomato, white mushrooms, black olives, cheese and raspberry vinaigrette. I love eating out though, in which case it can be almost anything. Top choices are Thai (I usually get pad see ew), sushi (my favorite roll is salmon, avocado and cream cheese in a tempura’d roll), teriyaki (typically chicken teriyaki with white rice, but sometimes I get beef or yakisoba), Indian (I almost always get matar paneer tikka masala), and pizza (most often Chicago style or Neapolitan, but we eat all types). There are other cuisines we eat too, but not as often.

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