How do you piss off your siblings?

  1. Just by existing.

    My sister is 45 years old and I still don’t think she’s gotten over not being an only child anymore.

  2. I walk to his room, open the door, Look him dead in the eyes, turn around and walk away while leaving the door open

    (Edit: i say this while i dont piss him off nearly as much as he does me but i know for certain that messing with their thing for no reason is a ure fire way to annoy them)

  3. I love my sister. Loved my brother when he was alive. We all pissed each other off all the time. It was our job we did it. You never stopped us from loving each other and doing loving things here and there as we time went along. We had a lot of fun.

  4. I don’t have any…. However I do have a few children. Pestering them is so fun in ways I never thought imaginable.

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