You meet someone that everyone likes, but they’re obnoxious, rude, and an asshole to you. They berate you, but they somehow still have friends. Why is this?

  1. Yes it happens usually for many reasons. They can see you as competition, or you remind them subconsciously of a bad experience.

  2. I know one guy in particular. Huge group of people who thinks he is awesome. I’ve known him since elementary. Nice in public, perhaps even charming. Snarky, rude and condescending with me in more private settings. Given him chances in past to reform his ways, but he never did.

    People look at me odd when I say he is fake nice.

  3. Yep, so I still made an effort to be nice to her, even though she’s a cunt. And then time n time again, I’d be disgusted at what a shitty person she really is, so I stopped even trying, and it’s way better now lol

  4. It’s because he is confidently mean and you are passively nice. This is the harsh reality of society. People who take what they want will have more friends than those who play by the rules or are nice. People respect those of power.

    Now you don’t have to be a hole like this person but who have to come up with away to establish your dominance

  5. they consider you low value which means they have a fucked up thinking and it’s better to not have them around

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