I’m 5ft5 / 165cm

  1. It’s not something to be confident about. Find something else to be confident about and some people won’t care about your height.

  2. Be good at something else.

    Confidence doesn’t just form in a vacuum, it grows out of competence.

  3. I’m 5’6, right? And I’m confident because while I can’t control my height, I can definitely control my physique and fitness, my mindset and mentality, and what I present to the world.

    I’m 40, in really good shape, and I have a broad grin I can pull out to catch attention of women. I smile at women and they smile back because I’m also groomed, moderately well-dressed, clean, and I smell good. And I’m positive.

    Control what you can and take pride in it. That’ll overcome height issues. I’m not even 5’7 and I can pull the ladies through sheer charisma and presentation.

  4. I take solace in knowing that there are shorter men that can pull chicks that are taller than them. Also, height doesn’t matter that much even though finding the right clothes might be annoying.

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