TLDR; There was this guy working at my local farmer’s market who seemed cool, but we only met briefly. He wasn’t from the U.S. and went back home a couple of weeks ago. I’m considering following him and reaching out in hopes of befriending him, but I need help figuring out a socially appropriate approach. I’m 24F if that’s relevant.

I started going to a local farmer’s market a few weeks ago. One of the stands I went up to had two guys working there — I’ll call them A and T. We had a brief interaction and I was surprised to hear A had a British accent. A seemed cool but I’m shy when I go up to vendors, so it was very cut-and-dry on my end. I got what I wanted from the stand and didn’t say much more. I went back this past weekend and T was working alone at the stand. Turns out A was a friend he’d invited to work at the farm for a month, but he’d gone back to London.

So I follow the farm’s Instagram account. The other day T made a post on the farm’s account saying he’s doing a takeover, introducing himself and tagging his personal account. I clicked through to his personal account and saw he’d *just* posted a photo dump thanking the people who’d recently helped at the stand. His caption thanked A, tagged him in a few photos, and mentioned his account. I checked out A’s account and saw he’s a musician. Music is my life, I’m heavily invested in my local scene and underground music. He also seems to be heavily involved in his local scene back home. I wished I’d interacted with him more in person because I love connecting with people over music and could see us potentially getting along. I’m debating following him and reaching out. I feel like his account being tagged gives somewhat of an opening (?) but I’m trying to figure out how to go about it in the most socially appropriate way possible. Here’s where I’m stuck…

A) The recent post on the farm’s main account directs to T’s page, but I don’t follow T. Following A from T’s post may appear odd if I don’t follow T. Maybe following T first, then A would be better… but I’m not sure if that’s doing too much. I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable, but their accounts are public so it might be okay?

B) **(This is the one I need help with the most)** If I do follow and message A, I need some help figuring out what to say to him. I want it to come across as natural as possible and I’m not always good at that. I feel like I should message him so he’s aware of how I found him. I highly doubt he’d recognize me from our brief interaction a few weeks ago, since I was wearing sunglasses and a mask. Making myself known could be a good way to initiate conversation, otherwise I’d probably look like a random follower and we wouldn’t interact. He seems extroverted so he may be open to someone reaching out to him. My main problem with socializing is that I don’t know how to organize what I want to say in a casual and concise way. Like I was thinking of mentioning remembering meeting him briefly at the market and saw he was tagged in a post, and couldn’t help but notice he’s into music and I think he seems like a cool dude so I thought I’d follow. But I also don’t want to say, “I saw you were tagged in T’s post” because it could give the false impression that I know T when I don’t. It’s really hard for me not to be detailed, and I know some people find that intense. I want to say *something* to him but I don’t want it to end up being too intense or creepy in any way.

Thanks to anyone who read until the end!

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