Made up my mind to let his gf know he cheated because
1. He has no regrets
2. He will do it again
3. He thinks it’s ok because she doesn’t have to know and both can be happy

I know the girl. I’ve heard them talking and she has cried on call. I learnt that she got to know about him cheating once and she has her doubts again.

Need your help letting her know.

  1. Whatever you do, do it anonymously. Make a throwaway email address and email her that you heard a rumor he was cheating on a certain day because then she can cross-reference that against her memories of her not having seen him that day or him being weirdly unresponsive to her texts that night, etc…

  2. He cheated on his GF with you??? and you now feel you’re in a place to be judgmental as to whether he should feel bad or not.

    You might want to sit this one out.

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