whats something you have Ben struggling with lately? doesn’t have to be anything big.

  1. I’m getting only 4hrs of sleep since few days with no fap time 🥲. Just loaded with school work. I may die soon if this goes on lol

  2. Met a girl recently that’s super into me, but there’s a bit of an age and experience difference and I’m being very weary not to take advantage of that or talk her into things. I feel a bit weird about it and my brain and boner are arguing over whether I should continue talking to her.

  3. I now hate most of the hobbies I had a few months ago (~3). Nothing against them, just haven’t enjoyed any of them in months and haven’t missed them since I stopped doing them not 1 month ago. The things that I do enjoy I don’t get to do, plus I’m way overworked so I think I’ll slowly descend into madness

  4. Lack of friends. Sure don’t get me wrong I have a few friends but not many invite me out or anything. I just wished I had more friends and connections.

  5. Ben Franklin was a serial womanizer and they found 15 human skeleton remains in his basement.

  6. This strange feeling of emptiness in my chest and knot in my throat… And I feel bored all the time

  7. Loneliness. I’ve always been alone but lately it’s been wearing on me more than usual.

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