I caught a policeman peering through my patio door on my camera (footage was from 9:30am) and he tried to open my door. I spoke to the local police and she said it’s not something they should do, no log of anything. She took his description and said someone would call me tomorrow.

Is this suspicious?

  1. Can you see any numbers on their shoulders? It might help identify a real cop or burglar.

  2. Yes it’s a bit weird. It could be entirely innocent (mistaken address, thought something was suspicious, etc) or something more sinister. You did the right thing reporting it.

  3. A few years ago, after a spate of walk-in burglaries, the police in my area were trying doors and leaving advice cards if they found an unlocked door that a burglar could have used to enter. The cards included advice on having burglar-proof locks. This might have nothing at all to do with what OP is describing, but it’s not necessarily dodgy if the police are seeing if a door is unlocked.

  4. I think they can go where there is free access if they have reasonable grounds for so doing, so into your garden is ok, but not to enter your property of the door is closed and locked. If the door is open, they may enter if they think someone’s safety is of concern. They would not be able to collect evidence without a warrant. However I may have got this information from TV programmes, so it may not be what is actually allowed.


    Found this:


  5. You may want to try asking this question in r/policeuk – they may be able to provide information such as when / why police might do this.

  6. I would love an update on this, if you could, whenever they call you back, it seems something it may be good knowing about!

  7. My immediate thought would be that the police officer may have noticed something that he thought was suspicious or odd, and came closer for a look and to check that the door was secure.

    However I would have thought that would be logged; though I don’t know how long after the incident you spoke to the local police and whether the officer might log it at the end of his day.

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