I don’t have control of my emotions. What are some good strategies and habits to change this?

  1. When you feel yourself being emotional, observe yourself as though you were an outsider. Try to understand what the emotion is and what is prompting it.

  2. Meditation/ stoicism have helped me. A good place to start is Podcast called The Daily Stoic- Ryan Holiday.

  3. Achknowledging that you can’t control emotions. Feel it, identify the emotion, ask where it comes from, feel it but don’t identify with the emotion, heal and repeat. Bottling emotions up will make you bitter and will eat yourself alive.

  4. Practice. Practice practice. Emotions are trapped energies reacting to whats happening on the outside or your stream of thoughts. Get all books by ekhrat tolle. Learn to master your mind. Its not easy but neither is body building…so. GL

  5. Watch porn continuously even after you finish wanking, until you vomit and expel your emotions from your system

  6. Journaling. Sometimes you just need to blow all the emotions out on the page. Sometimes you need to write them down so that you can even understand what you’re feeling. And sometimes what you’ve written will make you realize that what you’re feeling is actually something else. Write it down. You don’t even have to ever revisit what you’ve written. Just get into the habit of trying to talk about your feelings in word form.

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