So my(40M) wife (40F) messaged the mother (35F) of my daughters (4F) friend (4M) about something school related. Daugher is starting school on Monday. However the husband (36M) replied and then asked for my wife to meet up with him tomorrow with the kids.

We have met them once before, as family’s, at the start of the summer, and the mothers have met previously for a play date. Children have been friends for a year or so at nursery.

Does anyone else think it is odd my wife was asked on a play date by the husband of our daughters friend when it was the mother that was contacted?

TL;DR: wife asked on play date by child’s friends father

  1. Sounds like the guy being a good father. He’s not asking for the playdate to be somewhere strange is he?

  2. It is possible for fathers to be fully involved parents and arrange play dates for their children.

    It’s only “odd” if you think fathers ‘babysit’ their own kids and aren’t fully capable and interested in their small children’s lives. And it’s super odd if you think the wife isn’t fully aware of his suggestion…

  3. It’s a play date. Not a date.
    It’s fine. It’s just as normal as if the wife asked to meet up.

  4. He probably contacted her because he’s the one who will be with the kid then. If his wife has other plans it wouldn’t make sense for her to do all the organising.

  5. Idk ask them if you are worried. I wouldn’t say there is inherently anything wrong with a parent meetup who isn’t the traditionally gendered carer, she can be wary incase this dad is a bozo but you should give them the benefit of the doubt out of respect for dads everywhere trying to do more than just throw cash at their kids as a parenting strategy. If your wife doesn’t click socially or gets weird vibes she can be more specific next time “I was hoping to spend more time with X (wife) if she wants to hang out, what’s her schedule like?” . Most likely the dad just has kiddo for that timeslot, but if he turns out to be a dud it’s not a reflection on other dad’s who *are* genuinely just trying. If your wife doesn’t feel comfortable doing any sort of meetup even the public park kind she can have something come up and be too busy for the playdate. Park meetups are low stakes as meetups go, public, daytime, you can leave at any point you want

  6. No, I do not find it odd that the parent of your child’s friend wants to meet you or your wife for a playdate with his child’s friend. That’s how playdates work. Dads are parents too. No reason you can’t also get involved to schedule or participate in these playdates.

  7. I have taken my kids on play dates once or twice. I have also “babysat” my neighbors kids playing with mine while she worked out. I also answer my wife’s messages if she is busy and says I can. I find nothing here weird other than you being a little to old fashioned

  8. Honestly heterosexual people have such deep insecurities and just overall incredibly lonely and alarming. Are you okay like cause this isn’t healthy nor I’d something I’d stand for having issues by hanging out or doing anything. Do yall like your partner and are secure or is this something that’s caused by trauma cause this trope has to die

  9. It is not weird that one parent would contact another parent.

    A father is a parent too, you know.

    Sexist much?

  10. As a wife and mother myself I would probably get really uncomfortable if I was texting HIS WIFE and he replied because in general I know how scary the world can be and you never truly know peoples intentions.(not saying he’s a creep but if I wanted to text him I would have asked his wife first). With that being said I don’t think I would even reply to that conversation or I’d say “sorry for the late reply but we’re unable to tomorrow 😞, next time tho let us know ahead of time then my husband and I would love to plan for a play date with y’all “ but I am antisocial as fughhh so what do I know lol

    Edit why downvote me for having MY OWN OPNION ? I said what I WOULD do not what he SHOULD do smh If you wanna hang out with every Tom ,dick and harry then GO FOR IT ! I however AM NOT ! 🖕🏼

  11. Basicly you’re saying you have a gut feeling here. I get maybe you don’t trust him but what about you’re wife. Has she given you a reason to feel this way? Has she acted off when communicating or talking about this guy?

  12. I asked my husband recently to coordinate a play date with another mom because I had too much on my plate and just didn’t feel like dealing with the logistics. He was super self conscious and worried about how he’d come off to the point where he was asking me to review his texts and I really thought he was being dramatic. Reading this, I guess he wasn’t, and I’ll have to consider that in the future which unfortunately will perpetuate this whole “only moms can plan play dates” thing. *Sigh*

  13. No. The kids know one another and have done that kind of thing before, probably just that dad is the one that’s available.

  14. You could learn a lot from that couple: about parenting as a team, about being a team, about gender roles…

  15. What’s weird about this?

    Your wife messaged your daughter’s friend’s parent. A parent messaged back looking to arrange a play date for the kids.

    The end.

  16. I’m not saying any such thing with regards to trust, him or my wife. I am talking about the manor of communication. I would not contact another mother I hardly knew without first having my wife, kind of do a hand over sort of thing. Let her know I was going to contact her first. Then I could take over and plan whatever.

  17. Your TLDR is so off, what the heck? A **play date** is **not a date like two adults have.** Good grief. Glad to see you’re getting absolutely roasted in the comments.

  18. It could be as simple as he was the parent avaiable at that time for the play date for any number of reasons.

    Ask your wife to ask him why he is the parent available via text or ask her to ask him tomorrow at the paly date. It is most likely something innocuous.

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