So basically every match I have ever had since forever seems to fall off bc of texting.
Mostly on apps these days but as far back as I can remember I feel like I must be too available or something. I try to have good mix of banter to getting to know each other offering plenty of topics but I often feel like I am carrying the convo.
My response time is usually just a few minutes,does this make me seem too Available or something?
I have also tried like matching response. I guess I just do it out of respect.
Another issue might be I never really got on the sexting wave so idk I’m just not about sending that kind of stuff but there is obviously a disconnect somewhere

What do you all think, lmk if you need more info I’m an open book.
Thank you for your help

1 comment
  1. Are you a guy or a girl?

    If you’re a guy, here’s my advice:

    Use OLD to identify prospects and establish intentionality. Then set up a date as fast as you can. Rely on IRL interactions — dates — not texting, to establish the relationship. Once you’ve established the relationship, use texting to stay connected between dates. DON’T USE TEXTING TO ESTABLISH THE RELATIONSHIP! It doesn’t work.

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