I had relationship with a girl for over 6 years. Last December just before when I was about to leave to my home for Christmas, she came and told me that she likes my friend and they have been together for past one month.

I got shattered hearing this. She used to call him brother so I never felt that they could do such thing after she was with me for such a long time. I cried all the way home. That was the longest flight I ever had 2.5 hrs felt like forever. First it didn’t hit me that much then the reality set in. I called her and cried and cried but she was firm with her decision. Few days went me calling her and crying and sometimes he would pick up and say that there is no use of crying and she likes her. Then I realised its waste of time and I went through breakup and almost moved on now

I blocked her from all social media accounts. But now she has made another account and regularly sees my stories and posts. Should I block her again or should I confront her? Because it is not helping me with moving on.

  1. Block her. You already know it’s too toxic for you and it leaves a little crack in the door for hope. She betrayed you and doesn’t deserve to see how you heal ❤️

  2. Ignore her. She’s nothing to you anymore. Live your best life. Put the best pictures on IG and show her that your life is better without her.

    Moving on is a choice. Why are you hung up on someone who cared so little about you? Why are you hung up on someone that would do to you what she did to you? You need to align your emotional view of her with the reality of her. You have an emotional character of her that you bonded with. The one you imagined a future with, made plans with, etc., but the real her *isn’t* that character. The real her is someone who would dump you for one of your “friends”.

    Stop letting her live rent free in your head. When you start to think about the character in your head that represents her, remind yourself of what she’s really like. Then you’ll be able to move on.

  3. Just ignore dude, this is typical kid crap, she wants attention, don’t let her have it. You do you and never look back.

  4. Just block her who needs a cunt looking at your stuff, thank God you got rid of her! Like I did after 10 years do the stuff you love to do and you will be happy.

  5. Block her again and everytime henceforth that she tries to follow you or contact you. Looks like reality with her “perfect” boyfriend isn’t what she expected.

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