I started work in a small office and the idea of being “professional” almost doesn’t exist and there is not many boundaries. They are always gossiping about others and judging every single person that walks into the office. They are “very nice” to my face and everything is said with a smile and a nice attitude but I dont trust them.
Everyone is “friends” but when someone leaves they make comments about them to me. There is some tension but they are cowards and would never confront each other.

This is a temporary job but I think it’s important for me to learn life/social skills to survive in such a place and minimize the damage to myself.
My issue is that Im a recovering people pleaser so I am always hoping that everyone likes me.
Whats the best way to stand up for myself and still be nice?

1 comment
  1. I guess you just have to learn to ignore them. A friend of mine met the same issue 2 months ago at her new job. She quited. Now she seems to take forever to find a new job.

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