Men who gave up coffee..what is your substitute?

  1. Yogi detox hot tea with a little Italian sweet cream coffee creamer in it. It’s kinda like a chai tea I guess.

    Now when I drink coffee, I want to spit it out.

  2. I went from drinking multiple cups of regular coffee a day to one regular with breakfast and one more around 3pm and then as many decafs as I want any other times of the day

  3. A lot more water and some pre workout before I go to the gym. That’s all the caffeine id ever need.

  4. Water was my thing to stop soda and after a long time I drank some coffee and now I’m going back to only water now.

  5. Healthy, alive, balanced, locally grown, self prepared food. Balanced lifestyle – being active – relax.

  6. Well I gave up energy drinks, so coffee is my substitute for now.
    Also I am working as medic on 24h shift, so caffeine and oxygen are the two things I keeping me moving all night.

  7. Why would I give up coffee? I have been trying to be healthier recently so I did switch from creamer to half and half and sugar. Its about half as many calories by volume.

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