I assume none of you don’t wish to be born elsewhere in the world. Are you proud of being born in the island?

  1. Grateful, but hard to be proud of something that’s pure luck of the draw. In the same way I don’t feel guilty for Britain’s past.

  2. No. I think its silly to be proud of being born on one patch of soil or another.

    But I am proud of Britain as a people, sometimes.

  3. British by law,
    English by the grace of God.

    Proud of being both – not so proud of my government or some of my fellow countrymen.

  4. Used to be. Very patriotic of England when football or rugby is on and the country of a whole is beautiful (naturally) with some lovely towns and cities.

    Historically, very proud of the likes of Shakespeare, Darwin, Dickens, Fleming, etc.

    Britain today in the whole though? Na. Not proud of it at all.

  5. I’m rather indifferent about it except when I’m winding up my American mate and then it’s all long live the queen and where’s all the tea gone? I don’t drink tea…

    Otherwise, I plan on not being British in the future.

  6. To be specific, I am proud of British people. If you took the Government and thieving Corporations out of the equation, It would not be necessary to be specific.

  7. Not really, and getting less so with every year as the things that I feel some pride in are gradually being undone or lost.

  8. Not really, I don’t really feel proud of our countries ideologies and beliefs at the moment. I also am not proud of a lot of British people.

  9. Neither proud nor ashamed.

    I’m only British by pure accident of birth, so it doesn’t exactly seem rational to be proud of something that was no actual *achievement.* It seems as rational as being proud to have hair or being proud of taking size 10 shoes.

    I’m lucky to have been born in one of the richest, safest and most secure countries in the world. But I’m also unfortunate enough to live in one of the most inward-looking, stuck in the past (but deluded about that past) and small-minded countries in the world.

  10. I don’t really understand patriotism, I don’t really get why people would feel a huge attachment to the country simply because they were born there. I was born in England to a German mother and Scottish father and I don’t feel particularly attached to any of the cultures despite living in all of the countries at points in my life.

    Now if you came here by choice and take part in the culture and are proud to do so then that’s great, but just being born here doesn’t feel like an achievement. Just my opinion though before I get blasted for not singing the national anthem.

  11. I am, but not to the point that I think we are somehow a superior country or people to others.

    There’s lots to be proud of, lots to be not so proud of, but overall I am thankful to be born in the UK, even in these more turbulent times we are currently facing.

  12. 2 people, one from Ireland and another from Tunisia had sex a number of times in London and settled together in London.

    I was the product of that.

    One wanted to move back to Ireland, the other wanted to move back Tunisia but decided to stay in London.

    As such, I spent my entire life in London and I am considered British.

    Am I proud? Not really. Just luck.

  13. As a Glaswegian Britishness has nasty sectarian overtones, and as a Scot Britishness is a thing I feel largely separated from.

  14. Not really? I’m not sure how to be proud of what is, in effect, fluke. And my entire family is Irish so I’d probably get disowned if I was.

  15. I am, massively so, but it’s a tribal thing. I am sure I’d be proud of whatever birthplace I had.

  16. Yes im proud to be British just as I am also proud to be Scottish, I’m not denying that our history isn’t perfect and that Britain has done bad things. However there is a lot to be proud of and I wouldn’t trade being British for anything else

  17. I’m grateful that my parents fucked here. We’re a free and open society and I take none of that for granted.

  18. Proud? Sometimes. But I am forever grateful to our NHS… so governmental people fund it properly, take away the ridiculous targets and pay nurses, HCAs and junior doctors properly!


  19. I mean, I enjoy the countryside in Britain, I think we have an interesting history, I don’t think our food is as horrid as some make out and we have some institutions that I think have great merit.
    That being said there are other less palatable sides of British culture.
    So I guess not in a flag waving way, but I don’t hate the nation.

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