Just moved into a new college apartment 2 weeks ago. On one of the first days we had a lot of the neighbors over and I talked to one girl for over 2 hours alone on the balcony. She’s really friendly when I see her. When I saw her walking down the road with a dog I texted her and asked if they got a new dog and she explained she was just watching her sister’s dog but when I was leaving for class she came out on her balcony waved me down and I pet her dog and talked to her and her roommates for a bit. Other than that though it’s mainly just a wave in passing every other day or so.

I took those all as good signs. The only issue is that we invited her group over 3 times since then and every time they say no. I kind of get the vibe that her roommate doesn’t like our apartment and maybe that’s why they don’t come by but I don’t know. If I manage to catch her on her own and strike up a conversation would it be a good idea to ask her out for coffee or do we try to get them over as a group one night and feel it out better and ask her then? I asked my roommates and they all said they really can’t read it themselves either. I also think I should have made a move sooner but I was hoping they would come over again so I could get a better feel for it and strike while the iron was hot. What should I do?

  1. Strike while the iron is hot. Worst thing she can do is say no and it sounds like everyone’s good enough friends that it won’t be awkward or weird and you can continue being good friends.

  2. Don’t wait for some group opportunity. You’ll end up waiting forever. If you like her, then do something. Next time you see her on the balcony, ask her what she’s doing then tell her to put on a pair of flip flops and take a walk with you.

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