Hey Guys,
I am about to enter a “part-time” relationship with a woman I believe is histrionic personality and also suspect bipolar who I’ve heard (confessedly) gets violent. To be clear I have no intention or hopes of it ever becoming a serious relationship (we have too many ideological differences) and I know the woman isn’t either except that I wholly expect her to profess values now and then purely because of cultural expectations – while I know she has no real attachment to me. More so because she is in a low spot in life and needs a pick-me-up in the interim and I can do with some company right now in a lonely phase of my life. Is it possible to “ride the highs” or “surf the crest” of the wave with such a personality without getting entangled? What are your experiences with such women? Lastly this is not too serious a question I am just wondering out loud…

  1. I dated BPD once. The sex was mind-blowingly pornographic and the safe word was pretty much a formality.

    But to give you an idea of how well the rest of the time went, I’d sooner nail my cock to a tree stump and lean backwards than ever do that again.

    Don’t get involved with a Borderline or HPD because you feel pity for them at a low spot in your or their life. That’s what they prey on – guys trying to do the right thing and help. If you do, I *promise* *you*, no matter how low you feel now, in a short time, that will feel like the high point.

  2. Ride the high, surf the crest, I’m going to have to remember to write that one somebody’s grave

  3. I lived with someone who probably was histrionic and that was sometimes an absolute nightmare and sometimes manageable. Mostly things could just get super uncomfortable when at home when she was there so I made an effort to be there as little as possible and found a new place.

    I also dated someone with bipolar and when they were on their meds it was fine but it could be kinda rough sometimes. Wouldn’t do that again, it could get pretty toxic.

  4. Getting involved sexually with a person like that can get real serious real quick.

    100% not worth the hassle unless you’re absolutely capable of disappearing from her life forever. Like … Move to another city, change your name type shit

  5. Keep us updated when this goes horrifically wrong for you… This is like saying “I know its a bad idea to stick my bits in a wood chipper but its a WOOD chipper and I’m horny so I’m gonna.”

  6. Brief. Usually once I see signs of that I’m gone.

    You are about to have your entire life utterly destroyed. But for the brief exchange we’ve had it was nice knowing you.

    If you haven’t hung yourself in 3 years let us know how it turned out. If it goes the other way make sure to let your next of kin know if you want a burial or to be cremated in advance, those decisions can cause arguments in families.

  7. Yeah.. women get violent whether or not they’re histrionic/bipolar or not.. It doesn’t really change anything.

  8. So I’ll translate and womanspeak or borderspeak for the decent guys in the group that can’t even:

    You are DTF with crazy. You wanna use this emotionally unstable woman and when you’re done and bored – the old neurotransmitters are fatigued – you’ll use her traits against her and rationalize a break up and blame-shift onto her?

    You’ll deserve what you get bro.

  9. Ignoring your armchair psychology, all you’ve given is reasons not to date her. So why even ask us?

  10. Experience with histrionic women? Terrible, 0/10 would recommend sprinting away fast enough to break Usain Bolt’s world record

    Bipolar women though? Really depends on the individual. Knew a bipolar who was a violent misandrist, claimed women were entitled to violence against men. Also knew a bipolar chick who is an awesome person, and the only reason we don’t speak anymore is because her partner is riddled with jealousy and insecurity

  11. you’re cruising for an emotional bruising, op….

    i feel for people with these issues, but i don’t get tangled up in them. i wish them well, but i just don’t need this kind of stress and trouble in my life.


    >I have no intention or hopes of it ever becoming a serious relationship…and I know the woman isn’t either…while I know she has no real attachment to me.

    nah, you don’t “know” this. you can’t “know” anything. and people change anyway. they always change.


    >she is in a low spot in life and needs a pick-me-up in the interim and I can do with some company right now in a lonely phase of my life

    you’re asking for co-dependency man….you’re begging for it….

    people in these situations need to sort out their lives in their own time and in their own ways, not depend on validation and “help” from anyone except trained professionals, because these are serious mental health issues that simple companionship and relationships just can’t fix.

    in most cases, you can’t help each other, but you can absolutely *hurt* each other….trust me on this one.


    old guy advice here, take it or leave it my man, this is anecdotal but i dated a few bipolar women when i was younger, because i was young and dumb and full of piss and vinegar, and i thought i could “rescue” them….

    turns out i was just trying to “rescue” myself….

    i’ve never been so hurt, scared, confused, and fucking miserable in my entire life than during those times….it’s a literal rollercoaster of very low dips and very mediocre high points….


    that sea looks cool and inviting op, but swim at your own risk.

    the water is full of sharks

  12. Careful with those personality disorders. The sex is wild but can get you in trouble if you linger too long. I’ve had them falsely accuse me of rape, one who stalked me, another who threatened my family etc. It’s fun initially but gets exhausting real quick

  13. It might be fun, might not. I was dating a schizophrenic who killed our dog and fucked a minor. He ended up marrying her so I guess you can either be me or her in this situation. It’ll be a gamble though.

  14. Just walk away and save your self a lot of emotional and physical abuse. Why would you enter in to a relationship, even temporary and casual, with some one that you know to be violent and a personality disorder that often includes uncontrollable jealousy.

  15. Don’t stick your dick in crazy. The combination of histrionic personality disorder and bipolar disorder is *extra crazy*.

  16. Didn’t your dad tell you to never stick it into crazy? Come on man, that is world class simpery right there. No, you do not get into a relationship with crazy women. Life is too short to learn the magic vagina fallacy first hand.

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