What’s a dream or nightmare you’ve had that ended up coming true in real life?

  1. When I was a kid I had two seperate dreams at two separate times that my mother and my brother died. I was subjected to night terrors a lot as a kid as well. My mother died when I was 12, and my brother died when I was 20. I have never had another dream about someone else I’m close to dying and I’m always terrified if it happens is it some kind of premonition now. I know that it’s probably nuts but this has been an ongoing issue with my sleep for years.

  2. I had a dream in my teenage years where my dad had a disease which makes him live shorter and now he has Alzheimer’s for 6 years, he was 65 when he was diagnosed and I was 21 at the time.

  3. i’ll never know if this is an actual memory i have, or if my traumatized brain somehow created a full-fledged memory out of nowhere. but anyway,

    i remember back when i was about six or seven, i had a nightmare in which my dad had my little sister (two at the time) pinned to the ground and he was hitting her in the face.

    in real life, my dad wasn’t abusive that way. my parents used corporal punishment on us but not usually in anger, and it was always with a belt or a wooden spoon. there was never anything as severe as what he was doing to my sister in my dream.

    fast forward to age twenty-one, my sister now seventeen, and that exact thing happened in front of me. my dad flew into a rage and shoved her down to the floor, pinned her with his knee on her chest and hit her twice in the side of the face with his fist. he dislocated her rib and her jaw.

    i don’t know if my nightmare was an actual event from my childhood, an actual dream that i had back then, or if my brain faked an entire story in an effort to make sense of the trauma. but i remember both instances equally vividly, as well as the jolt of déjà vu i felt watching it happen the second time.

  4. I was a part of my journalism class in high school, putting together the yearbook for the class of 2001. I was an integral part of the team, but due to rumors, there were divisions among us and productivity was hindered. My mom told me we were moving, so I barely had a week or so to help get everyone else together so they’d be able to finish without me. It ended up becoming a mess. On my last day, many of my classmates were suddenly rushing me on things I tried to get everyone to collaborate on, but no one would listen.

    In my dreams over the next few years, I was right back in that journalism class, trying to meet with photographers and collecting rosters of graduating seniors. In each dream, I never made it on time. Something was either always late or not completed.

    I caught up with an old friend about 15 years later and he told me that they ended up doing a commemorative newsletter and didn’t have a yearbook for the 2001 seniors

  5. Not too serious of one, but one of my reoccurring dreams is going back to my car in a parking garage and there being multiple versions of my car (the same car as my irl car, which is crazy bc it’s two tone) but none of them are mine and I can’t find my car.

    One time irl I parked my car at my local train station’s garage and when I got back, someone had my exact same two tone car and was parked close to mine 😅

  6. The nightmares where I went back to a high school reunion and all my former classmates took one look at me, turned and walked away.

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