I’ve always been raised to think for my self and I’ve always loved reading and science. So if done way too much research on the world (I’ve published a few papers here and there) cause I find it interesting.

My gf comes from a very religious house (my family is catholic but I’m atheist/agnostic I’m unsure which is which) and we recently had a discussion on evolution. I stated my opinion on how it worked gave some examples. And found out she’s creationist, and idk just feels weird. Can’t argue with it since it’s based on faith, cause if you ask why the response is “because it is”.

Idk I don’t want to be rude and disregard her religion, but I also think it’s an illogical idea.

  1. I think the deeper question to ask yourself is if you can be with someone who doesn’t match your curiosity, open mind, and desire to learn.

    For me personally, this would be a hard no. Either way, I recommend taking some time to get in touch with how you feel and what you want… for example, what does match with her and what doesn’t… so you can get to know you better.

  2. You my friend have found a unicorn. You knew what you were getting into if you knew she was very religious. She can fill your life with so much substance you haven’t the slightest idea. But if it doesn’t work for you, don’t waste her time. There’s many men who would love to swoop her from you believe me.

  3. That’s not a scientific idea. She believes a fairytale. You can either get hung up on it or let it go.

  4. >Can’t argue with it since it’s based on faith

    It’s completely ok for you to think its an illogical idea, but why do you feel like you need to “argue” with her about it? Do you think you need to “win” the conversation? Are you trying to change her mind? Why is it so important for you to prove her faith wrong?

    Imo, it’s ok to have different belief systems. There are so many things people believe in that I don’t agree with, but at the end of the day their beliefs don’t change my stance or cancel out my own beliefs so it doesn’t really matter to me.

    If you can’t get passed her faith based beliefs, you’re probably incompatible. Better to find out now and let go than drag it out.

  5. I’m being honest.
    I am a scientist and I would not continue a relationship with anyone who beliefs the earth is only a few thousand years old or evolution didn’t happen.
    I am not talking about religion or god in general because I can accept that, my family is religous.
    But this idea is so fundamentally ridiculous that I could not see past that.

  6. And? Does she always have to match your way of thinking for every single topic? No. She’s her very own individual and it sounds like she’s not preaching her beliefs to you. I’m an atheist myself, i really couldn’t give a fuck about someone else’s faith as long as they’re not preaching it to me.

    If you can’t take your gf having different belief and different line of thinking then break up with her. It’s ojay to have different opinions and if you can’t take then go lol

  7. I would not be able to be with someone who has such an ability to disregard science. So if you married and had kids, would she pull the god-is-going-to-protect-us bullshit instead of having the kids vaccinated?

    Also, she does not have scientific ideas. She has ignorant religious beliefs that don’t hold up to a bit of scrutiny. Don’t call her bullshit scientfic.

  8. Is it actually a PROBLEM that she’s a creationist? I mean, there’s zero proof for creationism, obviously. And you’re right not to believe in it. But does it cause any actual problems just because you don’t share that belief?

  9. You might want to ask just how literal she takes the creation story. You may not know but evolution and creationism can sort of “marry” in the right circumstances. If she isn’t someone who believes in literal 7 days, instead that perhaps Genesis is mostly metaphorical. Most creationists believe that God sparked evolution and that none of the story was literal. Some do believe that everything happened literally and if that’s her, then talking about it will do no good.

  10. Ohhhhh I love this. So as a Christian who hates the church for all the hypocrisy they can spew, I have a few points for you.

    1 creation and evolution actually fit the narrative together(dinosaurs are sorta described in genesis)

    2 and more importantly the creation theory is built on several words that when translated from Hebrew can mean both days or eons(look this point up for references in the discussion)

    3 find an epic religious person that loves the details. One of my favorite youth pastors and friends many years ago taught these little bits to me

    4 relationships are about give and take present the facts and discuss but don’t let something simple you disagree on like this as I assume you believe in a God but maybe don’t see the possibility.

    5 the Catholic Church is an awful starting point for religion take a look at some Protestant church denominations to see the flaws the Catholic Church has

    Hope this helps!

  11. These are the stories your kids are going to be raised to believe if you knock her up. Choose wisely.

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