What did you disappoint your parents about?

  1. Not being religious. My wife and I don’t go to church, didn’t get married in one, haven’t raise our children to be, etc. My entire extended family is extraordinarily religious, so I’m viewed as a black sheep of the family.

  2. Applied for both Engineering and Medical school. Got accepted for both but chose Engineering, Dad was deeply disappointed.

  3. They never said as much, but I’m pretty sure the answer has to be that I was holistically disappointing to them. Didn’t really have anything going for me.

  4. Not being religious. I stopped going to church almost as soon as I moved out.

    The most *specific* thing that really bothered my mother was that I didn’t get married in a religious ceremony and I didn’t baptize my child.

  5. My progressive mother hates my political views.

    But in case of my dad? I can’t name a single thing. This man loves me unconditionally.

  6. Not being religious, going to college, becoming more left leaning politically, not finishing college, nit joining the military, not keeping am immaculate house, and probably some other things I can’t think of right now.

  7. Probably not going to a university. My brother went to one and my sister just started at one. Meanwhile I’m going to a community college. This year is my 4th and final year since I’ve been going part time and working part time.

  8. My decision to not have kids/ get a vasectomy.

    When I told them it was happening, they assumed it was something I was considering and tried to talk me out of it.

    I had to clarify that the appointment was in a few days and that this wasn’t just a consideration, but an actual choice I had made.

    I wasn’t calling to get their input, I was calling to let them know what was about to happen.

  9. Disowning family members. Why would I put up with some bs from blood when I wouldn’t put up with it from a friend. Cut toxic people out of your life to liberate yourself.

  10. Not wanting kids. They badly want grandkids from but hopefully they’ll never find out about my vasectomy.

  11. Quitting the last job I had that I was “doing great” at. My boss didn’t care about my health at all and I didn’t want to work for someone who would’ve told me to walk it off and keep working if I broke my leg on the job.

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