I’ve been dating a really good friend which has made a huge difference to a relationship for me, but i respect him so much that we don’t end up sleeping with each other like rabid animals. All I wanna do is be all over him but then there is no middle ground because I really hold back from getting too close because of these thoughts. I remember being incredible wild with partners and it was so much fun. This time it’s going slow even down the line of dating him for a while, it turns me on so much.

How do I instigate or communicate having sex in a way I feel I’m not gonna be too much?

  1. I really enjoy how you respect the fuck out of me. But tonight I want you to fuck the respect out of me.

  2. Be direct, be kind, emphasize how wonderful this relationship has been. Let him know you’ve been deliberately slow rolling the sex to try and give the relationship a solid emotional core, and you’re glad you did.

    But also let him know that you’re ready to stop slow rolling the sex. In addition to all the other wonderful things you guys share, you’d also like to occasionally marathon fuck until neither of you can remember your own names. Would he be interested in that?

    I mean, he might not. Asexual or low libido dudes are very much a thing. That mismatch sucks but it definitely happens, and if that’s what’s going on here, yinz are going to need to figure out how this is going to work.

    But if he’s into it, may as well start right the hell now. 😉

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