My sister is getting married next year and my partner and I are thinking about dates for our own wedding. Is it socially unacceptable for us to get married in the same year?

  1. Why would it be? A week apart might be a little awkward, the same day would definitely be weird (don’t make your parents choose between you and your sister!) but the same year wouldn’t mean anything would it?

  2. Only if she’s a massive bridezilla who requires a whole year of everyone’s attention to be dedicated to her nuptials.

    As in – no.

  3. No- the only reason for yes would be if the same parents were paying for it you should consult them about it – but if you’re paying for it yourselves then I can’t see a reason why not.

    A year is a long time – just space it out by at least a month I’d say and then you’re fine.

  4. As long as they’re not both “destination” weddings where the same guests will have to travel overseas to attend.

  5. Even the Queen didn’t get an entire year set aside for the *Platty Joobs*, why would your sister need it for her wedding?

  6. I think that’s fine. You can’t put your life on hold because of someone else’s. But I’d try to space it out by at least 3 months as you’ll have lots of the same guests so it gives them a break!!

  7. Nothing wrong with that from a socially acceptable pov.

    Logistically I would consider your guests. Weddings can be expensive for guests in terms of potential things like buying a gift, time off work, travel / hotel, childcare.

    I would imagine you’re going to have a lot of crossover in your guestlists. It would be worth considering.

    We recently went to a wedding down south (we live in the north). If we’d have received a second invite to another wedding within, say a month of that, we’d have likely declined for a number of the above reasons.

  8. I’d say yes however give a reasonable gap between them (4 months at least maybe?)
    Not from a rudeness point of view, more for the guests as presumably there will be an overlap. Weddings are expensive and often need travel, time off etc. Don’t make guests have to chose between you or struggle to attend.

  9. I wouldn’t care. I’ve had cousins that got married a week apart. It was actually convenient as they both had some distant family fly from Canada, so they just stayed in the UK for a couple of weeks. My family had to travel from the other end of the country so we also made a holiday of it too and stuck around the week in-between.

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