I feel like I see this in quite a few bios. Didn’t know if this was slang, or if there’s just a disproportionately large number of men who are actually forklift certified in my area.

  1. This made me laugh out loud. So thank you for that.

    As the to question…I have no idea.

  2. By this point, I think people just say it to be vaguely funny, especially in regards to dating standards.

    Never seen it used that way, interesting interpretation though.

  3. It’s a meme. There are people who are actually certified to operate a forklift at their job, but on the internet it’s a meme to say that you’re ironically forklift certified to show how cool you are.

  4. I laughed my ass off when I saw this, thank you.

    It’s just a meme, and ladies: I really was forklift certified at one point.

  5. The amount of older people who are taking their time in answering this is hilarious 😂 it’s a meme and it is jokingly a way to express how cool someone is

  6. I wish it was. I like a full figured gal. I am married now to one of them I found on match! It would have been a good search term for me to narrow my prospects.

  7. It has nothing to do with women haha. For some reason on the internet it’s a meme to tell people you’re certified to drive a forklift. Yes, the certification is a real thing.

  8. It just means your forklift certified. It’s a weird flex where I live. People also say this about their cdl too but forklift is pretty funny and a meme too.

  9. I work in a kitchen. Saw an app that the dude had kitchen experience for 2 jobs and forklift certified for the 3rd.

    Told my head cook if he interviews the dude to ask if his certification is still good. He didnt understand why but he laughed because its a funny and dumb thing to ask.

    So yeah, just a thing. If you live in an area where warehouses are prominent youll find this.

  10. I have it in my profile, meaning it literally

    It could be a euphemism, if so it went right over my head

  11. Well. I’m forklift certified. In this context you like them big or your willing to move furniture. 🙂

  12. Lots of people don’t understand the meme. It started from being a joke pickup line saying you are the CFO (chief financial officer, C suite big salary) of some massive company like say Amazon which you aren’t but in reality you didn’t lie, you are a CFO… certified forklift operator @ Amazon.

  13. This came up randomly on my thread and all i thought was “lots of people want credentials nowadays” but my wife is large so now i want to tell her i’m forklift certified fuck yes comedy is coming home tonight

  14. I am currently at work in a factory (line is down) and had to show this to my coworkers. Congrats! You made a whole group of actual forklift certified people laugh!

  15. Oh my god….🤣🤣🤣 how do I even answer this? Shit if I saw this on a tinder profile I would laugh my ass off right before I swipe left.

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