What are some of the most common fetishes among you men? And what are some crazy ones you’ve heard about?

  1. I think in occult you call items connected to dark powers fetishes. So I would say a chickens severed foot is a good one.

  2. I once dated a girl who was really into talking about the cozy little house we would live in some day, during sex. “All… wood… and.. ah ah.. a fire-… fireplace and… ahn, aaahhh, nice…. ughhh…. little…. hmmmmm… curtains… ooooooh god oh god oh god!

  3. It’s totally crazy but there appears to be a growing group of young men with a depraved craving for traditional monogamous relationships with, and you’ll never believe this, respectable traditional women.

    It’s sick I tell you. Sick.

    I thought these questions got banned and there was no more “Dear Askmen Forums”

  4. Most common I’ve heard among the men I’ve known would be threesomes (mff), anal, their sexual partner being fully submissive, bdsm, etc. Fairly standard stuff.

    I’ve heard countless “crazy ones” over the years ranging from dragons fucking cars to outright torture porn to guys wanting to put insects in their urethra or jerking off to Sonic the Hedgehog characters drawn as anthropomorphic toilets, but for my money the one I cannot wrap my head around is cuckolding. It may seem tame compared to some shit but it grosses me out like nothing else.

  5. I think the last few years people have been using “fetish” and “kink” interchangeably.

    They are not the same thing.

  6. I don’t know what the most common fetishes among AskMen users would be.

    One of the weirder ones I’ve come across on FetLife is a group of guys who like “Crucifixion play” where they pretend to be Jesus crucified, torture with fake blood, they die, and then are fellated while ‘dead’.

  7. I don’t know why but I’m attracted to women in high waisted jeans and underwear🤔 I don’t know what my mates are into but one of them kept starring at a woman breastfeeding in the bus.

  8. Guys offering girl money for jumping on his stomach. My sister and cousins used to get messages like that lol.

  9. I have read in numerous places that the most common paraphilia among men is feet. So common that it is arguable it doesn’t even count as a paraphilia. I think the main reason that it’s considered a fetish/paraphilia is that so many people feel the *opposite* way about feet and find them disgusting or at least very much not erotic.

    Myself, I love feet and nicely shaped ones turn me on. Flip-flop season is basically like the whole world turning into a topless beach for me. I like to touch, kiss, lick and bite them, but other than that…it’s just a body part of a woman that I derive erotic stimulation from. What I mean is, I’m not into any unusual activities with feet that you wouldn’t do to other parts of the body (with the exception of biting…I wouldn’t bite a titty but the soles of the feet are much harder than boobs so the biting thing is just a “because I can” thing).

    Apparently I had this thing for feet early on. I mean like really early. When I was a baby and my mom had a friend over, I would crawl over and grind on her feet through my Pampers. And when I was four, they say I cut out a bunch of pictures from the ladies’ footwear and hosiery sections of the Sears catalog and pinned them above my bed. My parents allowed this, even when I wanted to kiss the lady feet goodnight before bed. For fairly conservative people born in the mid-1940s, they were surprisingly cool about this. They could have given me issues if they treated it as something weird or dirty. Mom says when I went to stay with my grandparents for two weeks, she made the pictures disappear figuring I wouldn’t miss them when I got back hahaha.

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