Okay so I have social anxiety from homeschooling and recently I enrolled into public school. Its going good but my biggest problem is feeling like everything is judging me or they’re not being genuine.

Whenever someone talks to me I feel so awkward in the conversation and all I say is “yeah”

I have NOTHING to say at all unless someone asks me something like I’m just quiet and keep to myself.

I really wanna start talking more and be outgoing but I don’t know how without feeling embarrassed or awkward.

1 comment
  1. So do you have anything to say? Talking for the sake of not appearing awkward makes things so much worse – I know from experience. 😆 Also, most people who are worth knowing understand some people are just quieter than others and there’s nothing wrong with it. If you really do have something you want to say and you’re having trouble saying it, practicing can help and so can counseling! Otherwise, I would see if you can make peace with being the quieter one. Sometimes making peace with yourself allows you to open up to people more naturally, too. You got this!!

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