How / when did you realize she was only going for you for your money or the things that you have?

  1. When she wanted to borrow money with no intention of paying it back. When she repeatedly inquired about state of my financial health and mortgage. When she forcefully stated that her money is hers and I’m responsible for housing/hydro/ car expenses etc. because “that’s mens responsibility”.

  2. It’s more complicated than that in reality. I’ve always been the stable, relationship guy. Never the ONS or fling type. So I would say there’s always an element of “he seems like a good provider” when women fall for me. Not that I’m rich or anything, but I do tend to “date down” in socio-economic status so I might SEEM rich to her.

    I’ve had more than my share of women press for marriage. Joke’s on them, I’m never getting married again.

  3. Pretty much as soon as I saw her dancing on the pole at the strip bar

    Just kidding. We’re actually great friends and she doesn’t ask for money. … well the first night she did, but I did meet her at a strip club.

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