i feel so stupid because i’m a full adult and i should know how to handle shit without posting on reddit about it, but here we are! i feel like a high schooler!

but real talk, i met this guy through work and he’s totally my type. we never really talked much except in passing up until recently- i have a couple classes with him now so i’ve been him seeing more often and we’ve had slightly more passing conversation, which is great! he’s teased me about things but that’s just his personality, and has been saying hi to me more but that seems normal?

the thing is, we’ve hardly talked and he doesn’t use social media (and i have his number but from a group chat so i feel weird about texting him) so i feel like i don’t know him at all and it would be way too much to try and ask him to even hang out or anything. i’m hoping that as the semester goes on we’ll talk more but i am SO impatient and he’s just really cute!

and there’s the matter of not knowing if he would even be into me or if he’s dating someone else! in the past i’ve heard him say he’s single but things change???

anyway please help i hate pining. should i flirt?? how do you flirt??? do i just need to suck it up and stop being anxious and ask him to hang out?? SOS

  1. Next time he says hi, make small talk. Ask him what he’s been up to. Ask him about work. Anything to get a conversation started.

    Eventually, it wont be that weird for you guys to hang out outside of work.

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