I want you to give me the list of 1 book, 1 song, 1 movie and 1 painting. THE top 1 in your opinion

  1. – book: Kurt Vonnegut – Slaughterhouse-Five

    – song: [Tool – Fear Inoculum](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q7DfQMPmJRI)

    – film: Blade Runner

    – painting: [The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/18/Midnight_Ride_of_Paul_Revere.jpg)

    I can’t give you what I think are *the* best or *the* top in each category. I think that’s impossible. What I *have* given you are some of my favorites.

    Edit: I originally chose *Hell or High Water* as one of my favorites, but how could I have overlooked *Blade Runner*? It’s also adapted from a novel by one of the best science fiction writers, Philip K. Dick.

  2. Book: House of Mirth by Edith Wharton

    Song: Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin

    Movie: The Searchers

    Painting: No idea.

  3. Seveneves

    Paradise by the dashboard lights (meatloaf)

    Terminator 2: judgement day

    Fannie (fingerpainting)

  4. **Book**: *Mason & Dixon* by Thomas Pynchon

    (OR, *Song of Solomon* by Toni Morrison )

    **Song**: *Ball and Chain* by Big Brother and the Holding Company (Janis Joplin)

    (OR, *Thriller* by Michael Jackson)

    **Movie**: *On the Waterfront*

    (OR, *Citizen Kane*)

    **Painting**: *Nighthawks* by Edward Hopper

    (OR, *American Gothic* by Grant Wood )

  5. I’m hitting this from the “most American” rather than strictly the best.

    Book: *Hocus Pocus* by Kurt Vonnegut. *Slaughterhouse Five* is magnificent but you really have to read *Hocus Pocus* to get in Vonnegut’s head.

    Movie: This one is easy if not intuitive. It’s *Jaws*. Man vs. nature, Moby Dick-style, but writ both large and small. Also one of the most game-changing films in American history.

    Song: this will be unpopular but *Amazing Grace*. I’m an atheist and I still love to sing along to this song. Probably the most-sung song in the USA. So goddamned beautiful.

    Painting: this is really hard but I guess I have to nominate Wyeth’s *Christina’s World*. A daring, excellent painting, and it also kind of captures the spirit of America in a way. The vast expanse, and the determination to get over that horizon. It makes me feel feelings every time I see it.

  6. Book: Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut

    Song: Fanfare for the Common Man – Copland

    Painting: Washington Crossing the Delaware – Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze, it just bleeds American. German American immigrant creates of the most epic depictions of the Revolution?

  7. 1 book: The Power Broker (Biography of Robert Moses) by Robert Caro

    1 song Chimacum Rain by Linda Perhacs

    1 movie No Country for Old Men

    1 painting The Avenue in the Rain by Childe Hassan

  8. Book: “The Grapes of Wrath” – John Steinbeck

    Song: “Stand by Me” – Ben E. King

    Movie: “Apocalypse Now” – Francis Coppola

    Painting: “American Gothic” – Grant Wood

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