What kind of gift or thing do you appreciate the most? What makes the annoying work day better?

  1. My favourite food, especially as a surprise. A massage will definitely be appreciated as well, or having a hot bath together.

  2. A nice dinner paired with my favorite red wine, and my son already done with homework. Also a nice bubble bath ready and waiting for me. I don’t always have the luxury of time to do this, but when it was all prepared and ready, it is so worth it.

  3. Food and some spontaneous fun activity(playing Just Dance, playing a board game, some sort of craft, etc)

  4. Walking into a clean house! I can’t stress the enough!! I don’t rlly care about gifts or tangible things. But I really appreciate it when my partner cleans the whole house and I walk in and that fresh smell of clean hits my nose. It’s like a pressure that just releases itself😩

  5. I don’t even care about the house…a clean kitchen. I don’t harp on him because we work opposite shifts so he’s already worked a full shift before he gets to the kids, but the nights he actually gets to the kitchen before I get home are heavenly.

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