Just want to brag on my husband for a minute. I gave birth to our son two weeks ago and breastfeeding has been really hard for me. Yesterday was a very rough day with babe cluster feeding all day. I pumped out enough for hubs to feed him a bottle and went to bed around 8:30pm. Hubs let me sleep until 2am when he brought baby up to feed again (if you’ve had a newborn you know this is an amazing stretch of sleep). The sleep reset feels so good. I love having a husband who loves his son and is so willing to share the childcare workload with me.

  1. Right there with you! My husband has been doing the last feed before bed for our 4 week old. I actually had to tell him off for being *too* good at trying to let me have that stretch of sleep because my boobs were getting too full and I need to feed regularly because my supply still isn’t there yet! Congratulations on your happy family. And well done on breastfeeding – I hope I can pump enough for a feed at some point in the future!! You’re doing amazing!

  2. Congratulations on the baby and working as a team. That is what you will need to survive the newborn stage when they are trying to figure out their schedule. You have each other backs.

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