I will make this as short as possible as my relationship is at best tumultuous. i also am aware of how toxic this relationship is and how many red flags i have overlooked. i am sure there is someone out there that is willing to give me an unbiased opinion on how they would handle this relationship. thank you in advance!!


we have been on and off for a little over 2 1/2 years and have both moved to new states/across the country for each other. we both have almost 0 trust in each other due to him telling me he doesn’t want to have kids with me or marry me and me moving across the country back home to him coming back and realizing he does want to have a future with me.


this cycle lasted for months until i ended up breaking things off again and shortly after slept with someone else. this was very complicated as we all worked together and things obviously got messy. this was back in october of 2020 and we have been trying to rebuild this relationship.


Since this incident in october of 2020 we have been continuously on and off every other day. we broke up officially in may and i blocked him from all forms of communication for about 3 months starting in august of last year and i then dated someone else. he saw other people and when we were both single again we got back together in november of 2021. shortly after getting back together i went through his phone and found he had been lying to me.


he asked me for recommendations on where to take his cousin since she was coming to town for a few days. i gave him ideas of fun things to do and restaurants in my city. i discoverd while going through his texts that he actually met up with his ex gf. he admitted to me long ago that he cheated on this particular ex gf in a horrible way. he slept with his best friend’s (army bunk buddy of over 4 years) wife.


i have also found a scrunchie near his pillows, a womans (he works with this lady) credit card, and cocaine. he lied to me about all of them.


we have chosen to keep trying at this crazy relationship and i feel like things have somewhat smoothed out in the past 3 months. we have been on the right path and i felt like i could really trust him. but my gut told me today that there is something off. he was somewhat distant with me through texts and then he told me he was on the phone with his dad (they talk on the phone for hours.) i went along with it until i started to get that nagging feeling deep down. i decided to drive to his place and watch his apartment building’s front door.


as i was waiting i texted him asking how much longer he would be on the phone with his dad. he ended up calling me and that eased my nerves a bit. but not even one minute later a girl came rushing out of his building and started her car which was parked right outside of the apartment building front door. i cant help but think about how coincidental this is, how he called me practically immediately after she left his place.


i asked him to send me a screenshot of his call to his dad and how long they were on the phone for. he refused and would not send it to me. i asked who drives a blue mustang and he played dumb. he turned it around onto me saying i am playing dumb high school games and said i should go find someone else to play these games with. he gaslights me and says i am overthinking things and basically crazy for thinking this.


i tried to smooth things over with him as it is late and i need to get to bed and not be stressed out tomorrow for my job. he said he still wants to work on things and wants a future with me.


i am blocked on instagram and checked his ig on my fake account and he is now mutually following someone else but he said he will not block me tonight but he will tomorrow.


i cant believe how i let this person walk all over me and waste my time.


my main questions are:

what would you do in this situation?

should i move on?

am i crazy for thinking these things?


thank you for your time!

  1. Are you looking for validation that your relationship is toxic? Because you said it yourself – So many red flags. You’re in a relationship but he has you blocked on social media…? Although it’s a stretch, it shouldn’t even matter if a girl was at his place. Move on. For your own sanity.

  2. >what would you do in this situation?

    should i move on?

    am i crazy for thinking these things?

    It seems like you already know the answer to these questions. Honestly, the 3rd question about if it’s crazy or not to think those things means you are already in a bad place. It doesn’t matter if your suspicions are true or not. The foundations of the relationship are already compromised. On top of that, you both want different things. You’re trading in lifelong hopes for short term security – but none of it really has to do with love.

  3. You’re not crazy, just overcommitted. It sound like sunk cost fallacy.

    Almost the entire post is about the toxicity of your relationship, yet you keep trying because… you both decided to? Its okay to just walk away. You don’t need a specific event or an extra reason. If it makes you unhappy, which it clearly does, leave. That’s not giving up, that choosing happiness.

    There’s zero trust, with good reason I might add. It’s not going to work.

  4. You should never have to go to your BF house on a bad gut feeling. That in itself shows you need to leave him. If you find yourself doing this, its time to leave.

  5. Wow You open the word I want to make this short as possible why did you write a dictionary

  6. This sounds like the dumbest relationship ever it sounds like you cannot prove that that girl actually left his door but if you have to wait outside of his apartment to go check your relationship is over just let it be and move on

  7. You hope you’re able to see that you’re worth more than how you treat yourself, friend. It can be awful when you feel like you’ve already put so much time into something and just maybe it’ll end up how you pictured. But, it’s just chasing shadows: you’ll never catch it, and it was never really there.

    I wish you absolutely the best, and that you treat yourself how you’d want a close friend to be treated as you get through this

  8. Ummm you need to move on…block him on everything. Next time a guy tells you he cheated on his ex run because you can bet he will cheat on you too.

  9. Why are you still in a relationship with him? Move on he’s lying and fooling you.

  10. Get a therapist too so that you dont carry these behaviours into your next relationship because if my partner did any of the behaviour you said you did I would run away as fast as my legs could carry me

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