As some workplaces are transitioning to in-person, people will have to start commuting. What are some activities to do in a bus or a train for people who get easily restless and want to make the time enjoyable?

  1. I usually have something – music or podcast – playing in my headset. And then I usually have a coffee and my breakfast with me on the train. I can sleep a little longer if I eat there instead of at home and it’s something to do.

  2. Audiobooks and pre-made playlists will be your best friend while driving.

    On trains with wifi, I like to turn off listening and speaking exercises on Duolingo to make the best of my time.

    On trains without wifi, I bring a book–the spotty internet connection is good motivation to focus on the chapter without wondering if I have texts, emails, or updates.

  3. I always have something I’m listening to, whether it’s music, a podcast, or an audio book.

  4. Personally, I like to pretend I’m the protagonist of a movie by gazing out the window wistfully, people watching, and listening to the music flavour of the day. That or I’ll read a book.

  5. I love taking the train to work! Especially at the end of the day so I can watch the sun set from the window. In the mornings I read a book or listen to music.

  6. Fast car, books on tape, McDonald’s breakfast, and texting. Highway to the danger zone!

  7. Music was my savior when I had to drive 50min each way to university. Some people prefer podcasts but an extensive playlist of songs to sing along to made it almost enjoyable for me.

  8. Until recently I had a 2-4 hour commute each way, i for sure got burnt out, but listening to a variety of podcasts (mostly news, true crime, or comedy depending on my mood) really helped

  9. I like flipping through music that’s out of my typical taste while commuting. I’ve discovered a bunch of great music that way!

  10. I’m on public transportation several hours a day going to and from work. Podcasts are my preferred method of entertainment, but I also carry a book with me and keep some movies downloaded to my phone!

  11. Music. It helps me control my vibe before I get into work.

    In “before times” I used to buy a coffee at the station, sit in a sunny seat on the bus and just enjoy the moment. It was z great way to start each day.

  12. I take a train every day, so I use the time to catch up on reading a good book. Really makes the commute feel more relaxing.

  13. Make yourself feel like you’re in a [Studio Ghibli movie](

    Gaze out the window and appreciate the passing scenery.

    Eat a tasty snack.

    Listen to lovely music or your favorite podcasts or audiobooks.

    If you’re artsy, take pictures, draw, or write poetry.

    Bring some crossword or sudoku puzzles.

    Do some online window shopping.

    Create an aesthetic Pinterest board or Tumblr feed.

    Read a book.


    Bring a portable game console like the Switch.

    Bring your laptop and answer emails.

    Once you frequent the same train/bus, you start recognizing other passengers with the same commute as you. Start talking to people and make some friends along the way!

  14. I used to have a long commute and would listen to music or a podcast or read. Sometimes I’d play a game on my phone or shop online if I needed something or plan my grocery list.

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