So we’ve been dating for 4 months right, and we literally went to sleep on good terms. So when we wake up we have this thing to call each other & check in. The other morning when I tried I was met with”leave me alone” and I was like “uhh..? Is something wrong? “ and she was just saying leave me alone for
About 6 hours. Until I finally asked “what’s up do you still wanna be a couple is something wrong” and she just kept saying “idk” after hours of asking and asking, she told me basically “idk how to explain it it’s just something. I still love you though” what should I do in this situation? I asked her if I gave her the ick and she says she doesn’t know either. Best part of all this is she broke up
With me but wants both of us to stay exclusive to each other. No talking to other people etc. stay doing couple shit but break up… she says she’ll eventually wanna get back together but how should I believe that if she doesn’t even know if I gave her the ick or not? Worst part is we had a slight rough patch of arguing and she told me everything I had to work on, and I fixed every issue! She left when we weren’t arguing anymore and I fixed every single thing she asked. So should I have stayed the same ? What should I tell her or do? I’m honestly so hurt and she just seems so nonchalant about everything. All I have to work with is “it’s something idk how to explain it”

TLDR: gf broke up with me with no notice and told me she doesn’t know why.

  1. This person isn’t worth your time or trouble. You’ve only been with her for four months and she’s demonstrated she is arbitrary, won’t communicate with you honestly and openly, and demands you not see other people even though you aren’t a couple anymore. Let her go, move on.

  2. You should never change because she wants to. She initially liked you the way you were you changing made her lose attraction to you. You should change for you and not for anyone else.

    If you want to rekindle everything then tell her you will not be able to be exclusif during that breakup.

  3. just let her go.

    honestly, it’s only a few months, i wouldn’t even have gotten to “love”, yet. you want to date someone who is excited to talk to you in the mornings, not someone who wants to be left alone and can’t explain what changed. she doesn’t get to dictate what you do while she’s not interested in dating or seeing you!! maybe she thought you changing would stop the arguments, but it still didn’t change her feelings? dating is for testing out how you mutually feel about each other, and it sounds like you two just aren’t clicking easily.

    take your power back and walk away. find someone who is excited to be with you.

  4. All you need to know is that she doesn’t want to be with you. It hurts, but you need to move on.

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