do guys dig through information about a girl, just like how girls do a full on investigation on a guy?

  1. Not in my case. The big tell for me about her digital background is when we hit the stage we add each other on Facebook.

    I’ve had a lot of women do this to me over the years though. There is searchable history about me online due to both my job and a couple of my former ex’s. One was a cable tv, B movie actress so there are photos of us together at public events out there.

    My current gf was actually looking through my ex’s and former fwb to see how attractive they were and comparing herself to them. 😛

  2. I never date a girl until I get her last 4 tax filings and her credit report from the 3 bureaus. Also do a national background check to check for prior criminal history, a full medical report and require at minimum 2 letters of recommendations from either past relationships and if applicable her dad as to why his daughter would make good relationship material

  3. If I want to pursue a woman I’ll have a quick peek at her social media first to see if she has a SO. Potential time saver

  4. No. We’re not that deep.

    Also, women are much less of a potential threat to our personal safety than vice versa, so we don’t need to do as much due diligence.

  5. I do.

    Couple of things I look for;

    Significant Others

    Thirst Trap posts

    Excessive Alcohol Consumption or drug use


    All of these are deal breakers and I’d like to know that up front. Time saving.

  6. Social media and cell phones weren’t around when I was dating but there were other ways to dig. When I was in high school I once looked through my girlfriend‘s purse. I found a note she has written to a friend about me that contained some information that I would rather not have known. I never did anything like that again. People need privacy, your girlfriend is likely going to talk to her friends about you at some point. You may be better off not knowing Some things.

  7. No and if I found out a girl was doing a full on social media investigation on me I would be out of there in no time flat. Not that there’s anything to hide, I don’t have any social media that is traceable to my real name except facebook and my last post there was in 2018, but I’m not looking for a creep stalker who can’t just ask me a question if she wants to know something about me.

  8. The world would be a better place without social media profiles and all this extra shit… Js…. If you wanna make the argument of “yeah, but” trust me when I ay I understand…. But understand that this issue with the development of a healthy family dynamic has a lot to do with the ability to pass judgement on someone based on what they haven’t or have said to you or shown you on social media… Imagine finding someone without a social media profile at all and no background, but they’re the perfect person… What then?

    I have been that person before and the woman left me because she couldn’t find any dirt to put on me… She literally told me that frustrated her.

    And to answer your question, no. At least I don’t.
    Now a day you really don’t have to anyway… I mean, that used to be what wing men were for but now ladies have their friends and family to spill all the business they haven’t spilled themselves yet if they have any for that matter and that’s if they don’t just u ravel themselves along the course of the relationship however long or short. Depending on how you carry yourself.

    Denying a woman sex and other girlfriend/wife privileges until marriage has revealed A LOT to me.

  9. If your aiming for marriage then you have to do your dewdilligence and make sure she doen’t have an onlyfans account….. or more importantly a murderer.

  10. I’ll take a quick peek at their social media.

    But other then that, that’s really weird. If you have to do a full FBI investigation (exaggeration) maybe you need to slow down on dating and speak with a therapist.

  11. No. Unlike girls we men will put trust into a women we find attractive and believe in them until they prove to be a lier and a cheat.

  12. No.


    I’d suppose that some modern younger guys, more tech-savvy, would check to see if she has instagram or tiktok stuffs. Basically to see if she’s a thot shopping herself, and to then decide she’ll be an easy lay or to dump her because she’s a thot.


    But I wouldn’t call it a full-fledged investigation. At least the guys I work with weren’t putting in any more effort than pulling up her social media stuff to show us so we could all laugh at it.

  13. I do a quick brief check up, on her and the socials of her friends, not to check her friends out, if I like them more, but rather, to see what people she surrounds herself with.

  14. Only if I deem it necessary for my own good. e.g. she tells me she has a specific disease/illness/condition that impacts her daily life and I expect to be around her in the future. But this is not only for possibly romantic partners but also for coworkers, basically anyone I most likely will have regular interactions with in the future.

    Apart from that, I’d rather find out through direct interaction rather than optimized self presentation.

  15. If a guy does it, he would be called a creep as if he’s a serial killer or stalker.

  16. I love my privacy and hence I respect other peoples privacy. I only want to know what someone is happy to reveal to me, not more, not less.

  17. No.
    Even back when I was single, I remember we’re guys.
    If we do that, we’re stalkers.

  18. No. That would be creepy and insane.

    I talk to them, like a functional human.

    Anyway, anyone who isn’t a moron will have everything set to private.

  19. Told this girl (who was just a friend) “I bet you don’t know where I was born”, she came back with an address, state, city, hobbies, where I moved to a year after (different state), where I moved to 6 years after that, the 3 schools I’d been to, my extended familys’ names and when my grandpa died in like 30 minutes. fuck. idk if she found this account yet (i hope not). 90% of girls out there would make pretty good private detectives.

  20. Nope. Don’t care.

    But then girls rarely rape, assault, or kill us guys. I’ve never worried for my safety meeting up with unknown women, and I’ve been in some sketchy locations.

  21. Excuse me, what? Women do investigations on guys? So if a girl likes me and I don’t even know that they like me then does that mean while I’m oblivious to them they for some reason have my family tree on their phone or some shit? Im scared now.

  22. No. Guys don’t have the same fear than women have regarding new partners. We don’t need to investigate them. And personally, I would find this very creepy, but that’s just me. Probably something we should do, tho, to check for red flags first.

  23. I have never been nearly as worried about the potential to be victimized by woman as women have been about being victimized by a man. Not that it doesn’t happen, but it seems like the potential for it to happen is significantly smaller than the inverse.

    If I was a woman, I would definitely do a background check. I totally advocate that position.

  24. Sometimes. We’re mostly looking for signs that you are crazy. Most men have learned to avoid the crazy ones the hard way.

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