What do yall eat in a day? (breakfast , lunch, dinner)

  1. Breakfast I’m not usually hungry so maybe a muffin with coffee. Lunch is usually 2 sandwiches cold cut, lettuce and cheese with an orange or banana. Dinner is a meat, veggies and rice or whatever filler.

  2. Bagel & yogurt for breakfast, cheese stick & apple for snack, sandwich & chips for lunch, dinner is variable, depends on the night lol

  3. M-F

    Breakfast: oats w/blueberries & almonds, 2 fried eggs, a banana & protein shake

    Lunch: one bag of frozen veggies stir fried in olive oil with 8oz of lean meat

    Snack: another banana and protein shake ..or a Greek yogurt parfait

    Dinner: veggies with another half-pound of meat

    Saturdays: epic cheat! Last week it was something I call a double-bacon manburger with loaded tots and a gallon of beer. Follow Dwyane Johnson on IG just to see that dude’s cheat meals – totally inspirational! šŸ˜‚

    Then on Sundays after a big breakfast I’ll clean it up again and back into the weekly grind

  4. I only eat one meal a day. For dinner, it really depends. Tonight I’m getting chicken fajitas with my girlfriend at a local joint.

  5. Breakfast is usually 2 eggs, 2 pieces of sausage, and some protein waffles

    Lunch something small like a salad or sandwich

    Dinner some kind of lean protein (steak, chicken, or fish) and a green vegetable

  6. Half a bagel with butter. Ramen for lunch. Some type of meat for dinner (tonight is pork chops Florentine)

  7. Breakfast is either eggs with meat and veggies or steel cut oats and fruit, then anything after that is just meat of any kind with veggies of any kind plus some carbs to go with.

  8. Iā€™m a bike courier 7 days a week and need to eat a lot. My slowest day on Monday Iā€™ll have

    MEAL 1 cereal/oatmeal and toast. Maybe pancakes with fruit in them and extra fruit in the side.

    MEAL 2 leftovers from last night as I always make three meals worth. MEAL 3 is more leftovers.

    MEAL 4 before dinner is a salad, a banana, an apple, an orange, and some trail mix if the salad didnā€™t have enough protein.

    MEAL 5 is usually something like a stir fry with tofu. Spaghetti if Iā€™m lazy, or possibly curry.

    Sunday being my busiest day is the same but plus 2-3 more meals.

    EXTRA MEAL 1 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with trail mix and more fruit as a meal.

    EXTRA MEAL 2 would be whatever I buy while out in the streets doing deliveryā€™s. My favorite is this Indian spot and itā€™ll just be some lentil soup and naan. As itā€™s easy to drink/eat the lentil soup while Iā€™m biking.

    EXTRA MEAL 3 would just be dessert which is usually ice cream and pie. Maybe some sweet bread with rice pudding.

    I like things that donā€™t require a lot of effort to make. So salad, oatmeal, peanut butter and jelly, everything is fairly easy. Only meal that requires real effort is dinner which is why I always make enough for three meals.

  9. Didn’t have breakfast. Trail mix as a snack. Garden salad for lunch. Braised chiken for dinner.

  10. Dozen eggs and a piece of toast for breakfast. Maybe fish or spaghetti for lunch. Something random for dinner. Various snacks.

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