what’s one of the stupidest things you heard come out of an older man’s mouth that you respect?

  1. He said NEVER have or use a credit card.

    Now, I could see good advice being to never carry a balance, but there are many advantages to using credit wisely that this guy didn’t care about

  2. Growing up, I respected my dad because he was somewhat educated and understood the importance of an education. But he is also religious. I remember him repeating that same argument that if we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys around. That’s not the only stupid shit he said or have done, but that’s probably the moment I knew he was a dumbass.

  3. Racial epithets to describe a poorly tied knot.

    He’s also a pastor.

    6 years of respect gone instantly.

  4. My father thinks exercise and paying for a gym membership is ridiculous. He believes you should get all your exercise through work.

    In the right employment or position, sure, that makes sense. But he’s work sedentary jobs for a long time now and is pretty overweight. Our bodies need to move regardless if it’s a gym, exercising outside, casual sports, or work.

  5. A man I used to respect said something along the lines of “Custer should have just wiped them all out.” Basically advocating the complete genocide of all Native Americans… as if what happened wasn’t bad enough. He was responding to some current treaty disputes with local tribes that are challenging water rights in our area. Also, he’s upset that they got a good (read: unfair) deal on some wooded land near us.

  6. Not really someone I respect but: you shouldn’t get a cellphone from Alibaba because they’re made in China

  7. Old man celebrating 50 years of marriage to the same woman.

    I asked him: “what is the secret to being married for 50 years?”

    He whispers “Cheeeeeeeeat, cheat on your wife. That’s the secret!”

  8. One of my mentors said, “Antidepressants are for pussies.” So, out of shame I haven’t shared with him that I am on them, and am a bit anxious to broach the subject again to tell him.

    He’s an older Chinese man who came to the US and essentially achieved the American dream. He’s wise, extremely intelligent (speaks Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, English, and a few more dialects that exist within mainland China and the Philippines), and a really good drinking buddy.

    Stupid may not be the correct adjective, so I’d maybe say ignorant out of respect for him but yeah. Stupid.

  9. “I’m allowed biscuits, bread, cakes and ice cream because everything in moderation” – My t2d grandfather just after having going from metformin once a day to twice.

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