Real Talk: what is your BIGGEST fear?

  1. As a single parent… randomly dying and my daughter being locked in the house with my lifeless body for a few days until people realise.

  2. Probably a tie between becoming fat and feeling trapped due to kids in a marriage or common-law relationship I’d rather not be in.

    I have a couple friends stuck in the latter and its not pretty.

  3. Losing my friends. Finally have some friends after being lonely all my school life, i just don’t want that to experience again.

  4. Inertia. That things are only going as well as they are because they have been going that way, and that my girlfriend or my job will wake up one day amd turn on the ol’ brain cells and ruin my life.

  5. My mind degrading so much to the point where I’m unable to tell whats real or fake anymore and slowly dying without being able to do anything about it

  6. The worst thing that could possibly happen, or the one that lurks most often in my mind and actually affects me day to day?

    If it’s the latter, then it’s fucking up and being left no choice but to be a 9-5 office drone.

  7. Turning into my father. He wasn’t a bad guy, but he wasn’t a good father.

    I don’t want my daughter to ever wonder if I am proud of or even like her.

  8. It’s kind of a tie between eventually going crazy (severe anxiety does some *very* wacky shit to you in the long term) or being a total failure that dies alone with nothing to show for it.

  9. I fear the unknown… I fear what happens in someones house or hell what is going on in that house now? What is going on 3 miles from me? Will it affect me or mine?

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