I’ve been married to my husband for almost 5 years. Hes had a problem with controlling his emotions when something does not go according to his expectations. Example, the weather, minor inconveniences at the grocery store, tools not working, etcetc.

This makes him uncomfortable to be around. As he is visibly angry and takes his frustration out on inanimate objects. I think the worst was him punching the wall or pulls on his hair like he wants to rip it out. But most of the time he will act forcibly upon the object to “try and get it to act right”.

I’m patient. He has said that it would get better. (there were some life events going on that were stressful, i’ll give him that.) But after 5 years I’ve just had enough of it I think. Apart from this one issue, I have not been allowed to go places on my own. Even going to the mailbox would be too much.

I have an amazing job where money is not an issue. He has decided recently to quit his job. I had a small problem with it, but we do have a large house that needs lots of upkeep. I figured since I work and pay all the bills, he can handle all the house chores. It’s just us and our pets.

Honestly, I just kind of woke up one morning and felt different. Almost like, why am I putting up with this? I started spending more time away from my husband playing video games with my cousin and online friends and he began to notice the difference.

So we talked about it. I mentioned that I wasn’t feeling that my emotional needs are being met. Nothing romantic is ever done for me. I work, I pay everything, I buy you things, I am there for you when you’re sick, etc.

He apologized and we talked a little bit more and I brought up that I felt trapped. I couldn’t go anywhere. He said it was due to his fears of something happening to me, but said he would let me out on my own from now on.

He then asked me if I thought he was abusive. (It was a weird question to ask, I didn’t want to bring it up at that point because he was already visible overwhelmed.) My answer was “Well, I’m not sure. But I am prepared.” This led me into talking about him controlling where I am. Tracking me on life360. And his anger issues when something does not go as expected as in his mind.

I told him that I feel like he acts this way to inanimate objects is because they’ve lost your control and you’re forcing the object to be back under your control. I think its a matter of time before I’m next.

I’ve been in multiple unsafe relationships before. This is honestly a red flag to me.

But after I said that he began to say i’m “overreacting”, I’m “categorizing him and shaming him for something he hasnt done yet”, and that “I’ve hurt him very deeply”

Another funny thing about his responses were that he has always told me how “stoic” and level headed I am. I rarely have such strong emotions. After all, i’ve been slapped around a couple of times. It is what it is. This has been the one and only time that I have brought up that his actions are causing me worry in such a way that I am concerned for my safety.

It didn’t seem like he was taking into consideration my emotions and was stuck on the fact that I am still holding onto them after so many years together.

I told him we can continue this discussion after I go to therapy. I didn’t think that I needed it, but I needed a way out of the conversation.

But honestly, when he said that I was overreacting, it flipped a switch in me. I lost my love. He didn’t look like my husband to me anymore. It hurt me so much it was like he was replaced by someone.

Was he trying to downplay how severe his actions are? I dont know.

I did ask him if he thought this behavior was normal. And he said yes that everyone but me acts this way. Well anyways, I did ask for some space until I could talk to a therapist.

Over the next few days he began pressuring me into talking with him. ‘Threatening’ me by saying things like “He wouldn’t be here if it wasnt for me”, “He’s going manic and letting out random sounds, pacing the floor while I’m in my office”, “That he doesnt know if he should prove it that he can be abusive”, “He’s bought me food, a trashcan for my office, what more can he do to show me that he loves me?” , and “If i leave him that he knows his family would automatically take my side and not believe him”.

It also doesnt help that the last time he tried to pressure me into talking to him before my therapy appointment he asked me about sex.

Anyways Im looking for advice. Has anyone been in a similar situation? What did you do? What would you do? What advice does Reddit have for me? What advice would you give a loved one in a similar situation?

Am i overreacting?

TLDR – Husband says i’m overreacting because when he is frustrated and shows anger it scares me. Tried to talk to him about my worries about another abusive relationship and it gets downplayed, and flips the script on me.

  1. Tell Kyle to pack up his monster energy drinks and drywall patching equipment and GTFO.

    Guys like that never act this way at work or with other people, only ever their partner and children.

    Just go, the guy is trash. Now you see it. That’s a a good thing.

  2. One little word tells everything you need to do here: **RUN!!**

    Things will only get worse from here, and what he’s doing is absolutely abusive, and you should not put up with it one minute longer.

    You not being allowed to go anywhere by yourself is just insane, and you need to get out immediately, and never fucking speak to him again.

  3. Your husband is being abusive. He may be struggling with depression/and or anxiety but he needs to deal with those things. Not allowing you to leave the house is ridiculously controlling and his reasoning is irrational.

    I think you should leave the relationship, honestly. As safely as possible because it seems as though he’s already escalating and you are most likely in danger. Reach out to friends and family that can help, asap.

  4. I’m sorry…. he won’t allow you to go to the mailbox? You aren’t a wife, you are a captive. Please seek help from someone, even if that means a shelter. This is not at all normal, if he is telling you it is, he is lying to you in order to control you. You got married at 20? How long did you date first? And is this your first relationship, so you have no idea what a healthy relationship looks like? I really hope the mailbox thing is a huge exaggeration, but not being allowed to do things yourself is ridiculous. He’s infantilizing you. You aren’t a child. You are a grown up who shouldnt need another adults permission to leave your own home.

  5. You’re trying to negotiate with an abuser. He is how he is for a reason. And he’s defensive, because there’s no motivation to make a change with his issues. So you must be wrong. He’s also worried cos you told him he’s losing his grip on you.

    You should walk away. He’s not going to stop being a controlfreak. Of course his family would take his side, they raised an abuser. Why would they take the side of someone who’s running away from him? That would be admitting personal flaw. Find your support somewhere else. Talk to a DV-shelter, they can help you leave in a safe way.

    You don’t have to prove to anyone he’s abusive. It helps if you record when he is, but if you want a divorce… any reason is acceptable. The only one that counts is ‘i don’t want to be married to this person anymore’, the divorce laws don’t care much about the details of why.

  6. Wow, op. He won’t let you go anywhere alone and track your GPS?! That’s abuse. He punches wall and can’t control his engineer outbreaks? Is he a child? (Even children behave better).

    Op, I am sure you have read such posts here to recognise those are red flags (major red flags like crimson tides) and signs of abuse.

    He is abusive.

    A few years of relationship is nothing compared to a lifelong of unhappiness. You need to protect yourself. This relationship is lopsided.

    Please gather your courage and leave. Tell your family and friends. Ask them for help.

  7. GET OUT. Divorce. ASAP.

    He is 10000% abusive and controlling. After reading this, I’m shocked you’re still there.

  8. I’m sorry, he’s wondering whether he ought to prove that he can be abusive? That is scary as hell. You need to end this shitshow relationship.

  9. So he always needs to be in control? Why on earth involve yourself with someone like that?

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