My gf and I are both girls and have been together for over 3 years. Her past mostly consists of men. For almost 2 years now I’ve asked her multiple times to kindly stop liking guys pics on social media that she doesn’t know or barely knows. She told me she would stop but she definitely hasn’t. I see guys pop up on my “people you may know” on fb and I go to their profile and I see her liking and heart reacting to their pictures it happens a lot. I feel like this is equivalent to a girl being upset that her boyfriend is liking pics of girls so I feel valid in my feelings. Every time I bring it up she says “I don’t realize I’m doing it” or “It’s not a big deal” and it upsets me so much and she knows it upsets me so I’m not sure why she continues to do it when she doesn’t even really know these guys that’s she’s liking pics of.

TLDR; my gf won’t stop liking pics of guys on fb

1 comment
  1. She’s with you. If she didn’t want to be, she wouldn’t. A relationship can’t exist without trust. It’s human nature to look at other people. You don’t own her. You can’t control her. Stop trying. If you can’t maybe look for someone whose into that type of control. I am also a lesbian who has dated bi girls. I totally get the insecurity there. But at the end of the day there is nothing you can do but control yourself. You will both be miserable if you expect anything else.

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