Is it depressing? I’m pretty much dead set on it. Love imo is just a myth and just made up in ur head cause people just want sex. Never been loved nor love anyone. Never had a gf. Almost 22

  1. I’m 46 and for the most part it’s fine but it can suck, mostly at night. But it’s not something I would off myself over. I find enjoyment in others things.

  2. Gotta love yourself first my dude. I didnt have a gf until 24. These things will come naturally, desiring/fantasizing about it will lead to shit.

  3. At least you’re not being cheated on, you’re not being lied to, and you’re not having your money wasted. Only way to not get down and upset is to find hobbies.

  4. 23m Bro being single was so fun. But once I been in toxic relationship I want to be single for life

  5. It isn’t that bad. I will say though, my father has been single and alone (we don’t have other family) for about 17 years and when you get older (he is 72) it really affects you if you don’t have a very solid group of friends. Older people who are paired up do better cognitively and live longer because their spouse keeps them regularly fed, checked up at the doctor and on their meds if they need them.

    22 is very young, if you don’t think you want to fall in love or even that it exists, that is fine. One of these days though it will hit you like a ton of bricks then you’ll be on on here complaining like the rest of us.

  6. Dating sucks unless you meet the real one. If not, you will get cheated on or dumped by your partner. So my advice is to find a real one that will treat you like a king and be obsessed with you 24/7. You are still young, so choose wisely.

  7. 22 is very young! You have forever to find a girlfriend. And many years left of your twenties. Enjoy it!

  8. You get used to it. Some days are inevitably gonna be rough, and it might have an impact on your confidence and self image, but you’re gonna adjust to it, much as with anything else that becomes the norm and routine. My best advice would be keeping your hobbies and passions alive and to nurture your friendships. Find other enjoyments and important aspects of life and understand that your worth isn’t determined by whether you have a romantic partner or not.

    Paying attention to what ordinary people go through and realising just how many people get their entire lives ruined by toxic relationships certainly brings you back to reality too.

    Also, it’s fine to feel lonely and vent about it. I hate how involuntarily single people are treated and how easy it is for someone who’s engaged in relationships their entire life to just dismiss your feelings on the subject. Your emotions and wishes for a relationship are valid too.

  9. Are you happy with yourself, independent of a need for others?

    If yes, it’s a great life. If no, you’ll struggle. Being single isn’t lonely at all and is very worthwhile if your happiness is independent.

  10. There’s worst things. Sometimes it sucks but it is mostly because society makes it so you feel an outlier. It doesn’t necessarly mean it sucks because you are less happy. Society is not interested in you being happy, just in you being on the tracks.

  11. Buy a motorcycle. No cap I felt like this too. Bought a bike, met many people I’ve became friends with. I go riding almost everyday to keep my mind clear

  12. 36m. Divorced with one kid. I will GLADLY take being single over being stuck in a sh*tty relationship.

  13. Im just gunna say, youre 22. If you dont have a desire to be with anyone there is no requirement to do so. Our society gives false deadlines and what should be “typical” for a person to accomplish.

    Sex is a bunch of things for a bunch of people as is love. Combined they can be powerful. Not having experienced them doesnt mean they dont exist together or separately.

    My Grandma was widowed 20+ years ago. She has traveled the world, has a ton of friends and hobbies. She says she enjoys being alone and her independence. But also being able to enjoy her friends and family. Shes 90 now..

  14. you’re wayyy to young! Come back at us in this post 10 years from now and lets see what your thoughts are at that time. Heck, you might be married by then :p

  15. Don’t give up on it man. I had my first time at 23 and actually fell in love at 25(now). Gotta take risks talking to people and you will find someone uniqely cool eventually.

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