Lately I’ve been in a lot of pain during sex, specifically when my partner goes deep and in certain positions. I’m finding it weird because the pain feels like a weird pressure build up in my lower abdomen, which I’d never experienced previously. It’s been like this for the past 3 months or so with a couple different partners. I’m planning on seeing a gynaecologist soon, but has anyone experienced something like this?

Also, not really sure where to ask this lol but I’d appreciate any suggestions for that too!

  1. You HAVE TO get checked out. That being said, it’s likely they are hitting your ovaries or cervix and it hurts. You might have a tilted uterus too. Assume you’re fine, but verify.

  2. I would stop having sex until you see an obgyn. If it’s an Ovarian cyst it has the possibility of bursting. It’s probably not that but better be safe than hurt.

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