I just feel like there’s no way to know their religious or political affiliation. Like if you hit on someone at a bar, there’s no telling what kind of person they are. It just seems so risky to me.

Like if you see someone in public and you ask for their number or drinks and they say that they have completely opposite views of the world, what do you do? You just say “oh this isn’t going to work out… nvm.”

I’m sure it’s obvious I’m new to the dating world and could use some help 😅

1 comment
  1. I mean, the same thing happens on dating apps as well. It’s kinda what first dates are for, parsing out what sort of person your date is and if you feel compatible with them.

    Yeah, you can finish you drink/meal and then politely leave. Or finish the night, try to have a good time and then say you’re not feeling it. Or just walk out if it’s going terribly. But yeah, it’s so normal to meet people who you’re not compatible with. Part of dating.

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