I notice that alot of people tend to associate an introvert with lacking confidence or being shy. While an extrovert is confident and talkative. Sometimes charismatic

This is such a stereotype and a huge understatement. It all about where people get their energy.

An introvert can be more talkative than an extrovert but lose energy quicker because of it. They can even be the life of the party. They can be extremely popular and be great leaders. For example, Obama was an introvert.

An extrovert can be shy and quiet due to a lack of confidence as well. This can be due to not gaining alot of validation as a child. Or they can be very talkative and lack social awareness. So they can be annoying and struggle with making friends as much as an introvert. They also can value alone time.

For example, I have a roommate who is a self proclaim extrovert and he may struggle with adhd. However he is tired of partys and begs me to stay home with him to watch movies. He extremely social and have many friends but he hates large gatherings.

Point is we should stop labels and understand everyone is different. Tbh, im consider introverted by people but I’m nothing like introverts that I know. They talk why more than me and their hobbies are extremely different. They also have gfs and friends. I enjoy parties, meeting new people, and traveling. So I do better with extroverts even though I have bad social skills. I’m really an ambivert

Also me having bad social skills is an excuse well. It isn’t introversion. It’s my negative mindset when I met people. I could be charismatic and funny if I stop letting my insecurities run me. I’m very loud and talkative to those close to me.

So I hope this resonates with people and one day people would get tired of the labels

  1. I think extroverts get jealous that we can simply enjoy being with ourselves so much. I’ve done public speeches, was in a band, have formed and led an online clan of 200+ people, am a HS teacher and yet want little to do with social interactions or gatherings. I have two friends and that is plenty. Groups and vapid conversation absolutely drain me.

  2. I think I’m the introvert-extrovert type. Very quiet and mostly only listen until I feel really comfortable with you. Then some crazy shit is going to be said and happen.

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